Counterpart of SIGNALDuino, it's the code for FHEM to work with the data received from the uC
GNU General Public License v3.0
44 stars 33 forks source link

Protokoll für Vloxo Funkklingel bzw. richtiges einbinden in Fhem #655

Closed schwatter closed 5 years ago

schwatter commented 5 years ago

Specifications for new sensor / switch / or other device ...


Die Klingel bzw der Taster wird von Fhem als IT Lampe angelegt. Beim dücken wird er auf on getriggert. Die Klingel kann ich damit aber nicht läuten. Hab versucht den Rawcode zu senden. Leider klappt copy and paste nicht, die Kodierung geht dabei verloren.

List vom Device

   DEF        1527x7ed40 0011 0000
   FUUID      5d7cf2a8-f33f-86cf-574e-953c88f4a5964f39
   IODev      SIGNALduino433
   LASTInputDev SIGNALduino433
   MSGCNT     8
   NAME       IT_1527x7ed40
   NR         744
   SIGNALduino433_DMSG i7ED403
   SIGNALduino433_MSGCNT 8
   SIGNALduino433_Protocol_ID 3
   SIGNALduino433_RAWMSG MS;P1=-6123;P2=183;P3=-601;P4=585;P5=-230;D=21234545454545452345452345234523232323232323234545;CP=2;SP=1;R=29;O;b=80;m0;
   SIGNALduino433_RSSI -59.5
   SIGNALduino433_TIME 2019-09-14 16:16:12
   STATE      off
   TYPE       IT
   XMIT       f11d1ff000
   XMITdimdown 00
   XMITdimup  00
   XMIToff    0000
   XMITon     0011
     1          1527x7ed40
     2019-09-14 16:02:03   protocol        EV1527
     2019-09-14 16:26:30   state           off
   IODev      SIGNALduino433
   room       IT

Hier Log mit Verbose 4

2019.09.14 16:56:32 4: SIGNALduino433/msg READredu: MS;P0=-213;P1=199;P2=-6068;P4=-592;P5=594;D=12145050505050501450501450145014141414141414145050;CP=1;SP=2;R=251;O;m0;
2019.09.14 16:56:32 4: SIGNALduino433: Matched MS Protocol id 3 -> chip xx2262
2019.09.14 16:56:32 4: SIGNALduino433: Decoded matched MS Protocol id 3 dmsg i7ED403 length 24  RSSI = -76.5
2019.09.14 16:56:32 4: SIGNALduino433 IT: message "i7ED403" (7)
2019.09.14 16:56:32 4: SIGNALduino433 IT: msgcode "" (0) bin = 011111101101010000000011
2019.09.14 16:56:32 3: SIGNALduino433 IT: IT_1527x7ed40 on->on
2019.09.14 16:56:32 4: SIGNALduino433/msg READredu: MS;P0=-213;P1=199;P2=-6068;P4=-592;P5=601;D=12145050505050501450501450145014141414141414145050;CP=1;SP=2;R=251;p;m1;
2019.09.14 16:56:32 4: SIGNALduino433: Matched MS Protocol id 3 -> chip xx2262
2019.09.14 16:56:32 4: SIGNALduino433: Decoded matched MS Protocol id 3 dmsg i7ED403 length 24  RSSI = -76.5
2019.09.14 16:56:32 4: SIGNALduino433 Dispatch: i7ED403, Dropped due to short time or equal msg
2019.09.14 16:56:32 4: SIGNALduino433/msg READredu: MS;P0=-213;P1=199;P2=-6068;P4=-592;P5=601;D=12145050505050501450501450145014141414141414145050;CP=1;SP=2;R=251;p;m2;
2019.09.14 16:56:32 4: SIGNALduino433: Matched MS Protocol id 3 -> chip xx2262
2019.09.14 16:56:32 4: SIGNALduino433: Decoded matched MS Protocol id 3 dmsg i7ED403 length 24  RSSI = -76.5
2019.09.14 16:56:32 4: SIGNALduino433 Dispatch: i7ED403, Dropped due to short time or equal msg
2019.09.14 16:56:32 4: SIGNALduino433/msg READredu: MS;P0=-213;P1=199;P2=-6068;P4=-592;P5=601;D=12145050505050501450501450145014141414141414145050;CP=1;SP=2;R=251;p;m3;
2019.09.14 16:56:32 4: SIGNALduino433: Matched MS Protocol id 3 -> chip xx2262
2019.09.14 16:56:32 4: SIGNALduino433: Decoded matched MS Protocol id 3 dmsg i7ED403 length 24  RSSI = -76.5
2019.09.14 16:56:32 4: SIGNALduino433 Dispatch: i7ED403, Dropped due to short time or equal msg
2019.09.14 16:56:32 4: SIGNALduino433/msg READredu: MU;P1=-215;P2=183;P3=-6060;P4=-606;P5=593;CP=2;R=247;D=4515151515151245151245124512424242424242424515123;p;
2019.09.14 16:56:32 4: SIGNALduino433: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 19 -> minify matches, trying to demodulate
2019.09.14 16:56:32 4: SIGNALduino433: Decoded matched MU Protocol id 19 dmsg u19#FDA806 length 24 dispatch(1/4) RSSI = -78.5
2019.09.14 16:56:32 4: SIGNALduino_unknown incomming msg: u19#FDA806
2019.09.14 16:56:32 4: SIGNALduino_unknown rawData: FDA806
2019.09.14 16:56:32 4: SIGNALduino_unknown Protocol: 19
2019.09.14 16:56:32 4: SIGNALduino_unknown converted to bits: 111111011010100000000110
2019.09.14 16:56:32 4: SIGNALduino_unknown SIGNALduino433 Protocol:19 | To help decode or debug, please add u19! (attr SIGNALduino433 development u19)
2019.09.14 16:56:32 4: Unknown, please report
2019.09.14 16:56:32 3: SIGNALduino433: Unknown code u19#FDA806, help me!
2019.09.14 16:56:32 4: SIGNALduino433: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 61 -> FS10 matches, trying to demodulate
2019.09.14 16:56:32 4: SIGNALduino433: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 70 -> FHT80TF matches, trying to demodulate
2019.09.14 16:56:32 4: SIGNALduino433: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 73 -> FHT80 matches, trying to demodulate
2019.09.14 16:56:32 4: SIGNALduino433: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 74 -> FS20 matches, trying to demodulate
2019.09.14 16:56:32 4: SIGNALduino433: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 80 -> EM1000WZ matches, trying to demodulate
2019.09.14 16:56:32 4: SIGNALduino433/msg READredu: MS;P0=190;P1=-602;P2=603;P3=-211;P5=-6087;P6=-148;D=05012623232323230123230123012301010101010101012323;CP=0;SP=5;R=249;O;b=72;m0;
2019.09.14 16:56:32 4: SIGNALduino433: Matched MS Protocol id 3 -> chip xx2262
2019.09.14 16:56:32 4: SIGNALduino433/msg READredu: MS;P0=189;P1=-604;P2=583;P3=-225;P5=-6089;D=05012323232323230123230123012301010101010101012323;CP=0;SP=5;R=249;O;m1;
2019.09.14 16:56:32 4: SIGNALduino433: Matched MS Protocol id 3 -> chip xx2262
2019.09.14 16:56:32 4: SIGNALduino433: Decoded matched MS Protocol id 3 dmsg i7ED403 length 24  RSSI = -77.5
2019.09.14 16:56:32 4: SIGNALduino433/msg READredu: MS;P0=182;P1=-612;P2=586;P3=-224;P5=-6088;D=05012323232323230123230123012301010101010101012323;CP=0;SP=5;R=249;O;m2;
2019.09.14 16:56:32 4: SIGNALduino433: Matched MS Protocol id 3 -> chip xx2262
2019.09.14 16:56:32 4: SIGNALduino433: Decoded matched MS Protocol id 3 dmsg i7ED403 length 24  RSSI = -77.5
2019.09.14 16:56:32 4: SIGNALduino433 Dispatch: i7ED403, Dropped due to short time or equal msg
2019.09.14 16:56:32 4: SIGNALduino433/msg READredu: MS;P0=170;P1=-619;P2=578;P3=-235;P5=-6096;D=05012323232323230123230123012301010101010101012323;CP=0;SP=5;R=249;O;m3;
2019.09.14 16:56:32 4: SIGNALduino433: Matched MS Protocol id 3 -> chip xx2262
2019.09.14 16:56:32 4: SIGNALduino433: Decoded matched MS Protocol id 3 dmsg i7ED403 length 24  RSSI = -77.5
2019.09.14 16:56:32 4: SIGNALduino433 Dispatch: i7ED403, Dropped due to short time or equal msg
2019.09.14 16:56:33 4: SIGNALduino433/msg READredu: MS;P0=-190;P1=220;P2=-5574;P3=-577;P4=669;D=12134040404040401340401340134013131313131313134040;CP=1;SP=2;R=248;e;s=1;m0;
2019.09.14 16:56:33 4: SIGNALduino433/msg READredu: MS;P0=-190;P1=220;P2=-5574;P3=-577;P4=669;D=12134040404040401340401340134013131313131313134040;CP=1;SP=2;R=248;e;m1;
2019.09.14 16:56:33 4: SIGNALduino433/msg READredu: MS;P0=-190;P1=220;P2=-5574;P3=-577;P4=669;D=12134040404040401340401340134013131313131313134040;CP=1;SP=2;R=248;e;m2;
2019.09.14 16:56:33 4: SIGNALduino433/msg READredu: MU;P0=-792;P1=226;P2=-577;P3=699;P4=-189;P6=-144;P7=-5236;CP=1;R=244;D=012343434343434123634123412341212121212121212343417;e;
2019.09.14 16:56:33 4: SIGNALduino433: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 61 -> FS10 matches, trying to demodulate
2019.09.14 16:56:33 4: SIGNALduino433: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 70 -> FHT80TF matches, trying to demodulate
2019.09.14 16:56:33 4: SIGNALduino433: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 73 -> FHT80 matches, trying to demodulate
2019.09.14 16:56:33 4: SIGNALduino433: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 74 -> FS20 matches, trying to demodulate
2019.09.14 16:56:33 4: SIGNALduino433: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 80 -> EM1000WZ matches, trying to demodulate
2019.09.14 16:56:35 4: SIGNALduino433/keepalive ok, retry = 0

Mit Verbose 5

2019.09.14 17:19:58 4: SIGNALduino433: Calling Getting Attr sub with args: set verbose = 5
2019.09.14 17:19:58 3: SIGNALduino433: setting Verbose to: 5
2019.09.14 17:20:13 5: SIGNALduino433/RAW rmsg: Ms;‘݀;¢ʂ;“¾‚;´΀;¶»—;da#CCCCCA#CA#A#A!!!!!!!#CA;C1;S6;RF5;O;b49;s1;m0;
2019.09.14 17:20:13 4: SIGNALduino433/msg READredu: MS;P1=221;P2=-586;P3=702;P4=-206;P6=-6075;D=16123434343434341234341234123412121212121212123434;CP=1;SP=6;R=245;O;b=73;s=1;m0;
2019.09.14 17:20:13 4: SIGNALduino433: Matched MS Protocol id 3 -> chip xx2262
2019.09.14 17:20:13 5: SIGNALduino433: Starting demodulation at Position 2
2019.09.14 17:20:13 5: SIGNALduino433: dispatching bits: 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1
2019.09.14 17:20:13 4: SIGNALduino433: Decoded matched MS Protocol id 3 dmsg i7ED403 length 24  RSSI = -79.5
2019.09.14 17:20:13 5: SIGNALduino433 Dispatch: i7ED403, test ungleich: disabled
2019.09.14 17:20:13 5: SIGNALduino433 Dispatch: i7ED403, -79.5 dB, dispatch
2019.09.14 17:20:13 5: SIGNALduino433: dispatch i7ED403
2019.09.14 17:20:13 4: SIGNALduino433 IT: message "i7ED403" (7)
2019.09.14 17:20:13 4: SIGNALduino433 IT: msgcode "" (0) bin = 011111101101010000000011
2019.09.14 17:20:13 5: SIGNALduino433 IT: EV1527 housecode = 1527x7ed40  onoffcode = 0011
2019.09.14 17:20:13 3: SIGNALduino433 IT: IT_1527x7ed40 on->on
2019.09.14 17:20:13 5: SIGNALduino433/RAW rmsg: Ms;°ƀ;‘򀻢¾‚;“΂;¶»—;D000000000000;C1;S6;RF5;e;m1;
2019.09.14 17:20:13 4: SIGNALduino433/msg READredu: MS;P0=-198;P1=242;P2=-574;P3=718;P6=-6075;D=16123030303030301230301230123012121212121212123030;CP=1;SP=6;R=245;e;m1;
2019.09.14 17:20:13 5: SIGNALduino433/RAW rmsg: Ms;°ƀ;‘򀻢¾‚;“΂;¶»—;D000000000000;C1;S6;RF5;e;m2;
2019.09.14 17:20:13 4: SIGNALduino433/msg READredu: MS;P0=-198;P1=242;P2=-574;P3=718;P6=-6075;D=16123030303030301230301230123012121212121212123030;CP=1;SP=6;R=245;e;m2;
2019.09.14 17:20:13 5: SIGNALduino433/RAW rmsg: Ms;°ƀ;‘򀻢¾‚;“΂;¶»—;D000000000000;C1;S6;RF5;e;m3;
2019.09.14 17:20:13 4: SIGNALduino433/msg READredu: MS;P0=-198;P1=242;P2=-574;P3=718;P6=-6075;D=16123030303030301230301230123012121212121212123030;CP=1;SP=6;R=245;e;m3;
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433/RAW rmsg: Mu;°¨;¹…;¢‡„;ƒ‘‚;¤𰻃3;R7;D!!!#!#!!!!!####!!#!!###!!!!!!!#!###!!!!#!#!;O;w0;
2019.09.14 17:20:17 4: SIGNALduino433/msg READredu: MU;P0=-424;P1=1337;P2=-1031;P3=529;P4=-28784;CP=3;R=7;D=0121212123212321212121212323232321212321212323232121212121212123212323232121212123212321;O;w=0;
2019.09.14 17:20:17 4: SIGNALduino433: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 8 -> TX3 Protocol matches, trying to demodulate
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: part is 12121212321232121212121232323232121232121232323212121212121212321232323212121212321232 starts at position 1 and ends at 87
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: Starting demodulation ( regex: (?:)((?:32|12){43,}) Pos 0) length_min_max (43..44) length=43
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: dispatching hex: TXA0F270170A
2019.09.14 17:20:17 4: SIGNALduino433: Decoded matched MU Protocol id 8 dmsg TXA0F270170A length 44 dispatch(1/4) RSSI = -70.5
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433 Dispatch: TXA0F270170A, test ungleich: disabled
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433 Dispatch: TXA0F270170A, -70.5 dB, dispatch
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: dispatch TXA0F270170A
2019.09.14 17:20:17 4: SIGNALduino433: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 9 -> CTW 600 matches, trying to demodulate
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: 0. try, regex ((?:)((?:32|12){60,})) did not match
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 13.1 -> FLAMINGO FA22RF / FA21RF / LM-101LD not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 16 -> Dooya not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 21 -> Einhell Garagedoor not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: substr: 121212123212321212121212323232321212321212323232121212121212123212323232121212123212321
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 24 -> visivon remote not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 26 -> remote not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 27 -> remote not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 28 -> IC Ledspot not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 29 -> HT12e not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 30 -> diverse not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 31 -> Pollin ISOTRONIC not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 32 -> FreeTec PE-6946 not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: substr: 3212321212121212323232321212321212323232121212121212123212323232121212123212321
2019.09.14 17:20:17 4: SIGNALduino433: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 34 -> QUIGG | LIBRA matches, trying to demodulate
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: part is 212321212121212323232321212321212323232121212121212123212323232121212123212321 starts at position 0 and ends at 79
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: 1. skip demodulation (length 39 is to long) at Pos 0 regex ((?:3)((?:21|23){20,}))
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 36 -> remote not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 37 -> Bresser 7009994 not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 38 -> NC-3911 not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: for MU Protocol id 39, applying filterfunc SIGNALduino_compPattern
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 39 -> X10 Protocol not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 40 -> Romotec  not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 42 -> wireless doorbell not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 44 -> BresserTemeo not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 44.1 -> BresserTemeo not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 45 -> Revolt not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 46 -> SKXxxx, GF0x0x not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 48 -> TFA Dostmann not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 49 -> QUIGG_GT-9000 not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 4: SIGNALduino433: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 50 -> Opus_XT300 matches, trying to demodulate
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: 0. try, regex ((?:)((?:32|12){47,}(?:1|3)?)) did not match
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 56 -> Celexon not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 59 -> AK-HD-4 not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 62 -> Clarus_Switch not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 4: SIGNALduino433: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 64 -> WH2 matches, trying to demodulate
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: 0. try, regex ((?:)((?:32|12){48,})) did not match
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 66 -> WS7035 not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 69 -> Hoermann not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 4: SIGNALduino433: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 71 -> PEARL matches, trying to demodulate
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: 0. try, regex ((?:)((?:32|12){48,})) did not match
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 72 -> Siro shutter not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 76 -> LED XM21 not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 79 -> wireless doorbell not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 81 -> SA-434-1 not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 83 -> RH787T not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 84 -> IAN 283582 / TV-4848 not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 85 -> TFA 30.3222.02 not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 86 -> BOSCH | CAME | Novy | Neff | Refsta Topdraft not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 89 -> TFA 30.3221.02 not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 91 -> Atlantic security not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 92 -> KRINNER Lumix not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 94 -> Atech not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: substr: 3212321212121212323232321212321212323232121212121212123212323232121212123212321
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433/RAW rmsg: Mu;¿…;¢‡„;ƒ—‚;¤𰻃3;R7;DA!!!#!#!!!!!####!!#!!###!!!!!!!#!###!!!!#!#!;e;w1;
2019.09.14 17:20:17 4: SIGNALduino433/msg READredu: MU;P1=1343;P2=-1031;P3=535;P4=-28784;CP=3;R=7;D=4121212123212321212121212323232321212321212323232121212121212123212323232121212123212321;e;w=1;
2019.09.14 17:20:17 4: SIGNALduino433: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 8 -> TX3 Protocol matches, trying to demodulate
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: 0. try, regex ((?:)((?:32|32){43,})) did not match
2019.09.14 17:20:17 4: SIGNALduino433: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 9 -> CTW 600 matches, trying to demodulate
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: 0. try, regex ((?:)((?:32|12){60,})) did not match
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 13.1 -> FLAMINGO FA22RF / FA21RF / LM-101LD not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 16 -> Dooya not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 21 -> Einhell Garagedoor not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: substr: 121212123212321212121212323232321212321212323232121212121212123212323232121212123212321
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 24 -> visivon remote not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 26 -> remote not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 27 -> remote not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 28 -> IC Ledspot not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 29 -> HT12e not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 30 -> diverse not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 31 -> Pollin ISOTRONIC not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 32 -> FreeTec PE-6946 not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: substr: 3212321212121212323232321212321212323232121212121212123212323232121212123212321
2019.09.14 17:20:17 4: SIGNALduino433: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 34 -> QUIGG | LIBRA matches, trying to demodulate
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: part is 212321212121212323232321212321212323232121212121212123212323232121212123212321 starts at position 0 and ends at 79
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: 1. skip demodulation (length 39 is to long) at Pos 0 regex ((?:3)((?:21|23){20,}))
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 36 -> remote not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 37 -> Bresser 7009994 not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 38 -> NC-3911 not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: for MU Protocol id 39, applying filterfunc SIGNALduino_compPattern
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 39 -> X10 Protocol not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 40 -> Romotec  not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 42 -> wireless doorbell not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 44 -> BresserTemeo not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 44.1 -> BresserTemeo not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 45 -> Revolt not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 46 -> SKXxxx, GF0x0x not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 48 -> TFA Dostmann not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 49 -> QUIGG_GT-9000 not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 4: SIGNALduino433: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 50 -> Opus_XT300 matches, trying to demodulate
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: 0. try, regex ((?:)((?:32|12){47,}(?:1|3)?)) did not match
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 56 -> Celexon not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 59 -> AK-HD-4 not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 62 -> Clarus_Switch not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 4: SIGNALduino433: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 64 -> WH2 matches, trying to demodulate
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: 0. try, regex ((?:)((?:32|12){48,})) did not match
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 66 -> WS7035 not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 69 -> Hoermann not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 4: SIGNALduino433: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 71 -> PEARL matches, trying to demodulate
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: 0. try, regex ((?:)((?:32|12){48,})) did not match
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 72 -> Siro shutter not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 76 -> LED XM21 not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 79 -> wireless doorbell not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 81 -> SA-434-1 not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 83 -> RH787T not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 84 -> IAN 283582 / TV-4848 not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 85 -> TFA 30.3222.02 not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 86 -> BOSCH | CAME | Novy | Neff | Refsta Topdraft not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 89 -> TFA 30.3221.02 not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 91 -> Atlantic security not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 92 -> KRINNER Lumix not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 94 -> Atech not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: substr: 3212321212121212323232321212321212323232121212121212123212323232121212123212321
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433/RAW rmsg: Mu;¿…;¢‡„;ƒ—‚;¤𰻃3;R7;DA!!!#!#!!!!!####!!#!!###!!!!!!!#!###!!!!#!#!;e;
2019.09.14 17:20:17 4: SIGNALduino433/msg READredu: MU;P1=1343;P2=-1031;P3=535;P4=-28784;CP=3;R=7;D=4121212123212321212121212323232321212321212323232121212121212123212323232121212123212321;e;
2019.09.14 17:20:17 4: SIGNALduino433: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 8 -> TX3 Protocol matches, trying to demodulate
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: part is 12121212321232121212121232323232121232121232323212121212121212321232323212121212321232 starts at position 1 and ends at 87
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: Starting demodulation ( regex: (?:)((?:32|12){43,}) Pos 0) length_min_max (43..44) length=43
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: dispatching hex: TXA0F270170A
2019.09.14 17:20:17 4: SIGNALduino433: Decoded matched MU Protocol id 8 dmsg TXA0F270170A length 44 dispatch(1/4) RSSI = -70.5
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433 Dispatch: TXA0F270170A, test gleich
2019.09.14 17:20:17 4: SIGNALduino433 Dispatch: TXA0F270170A, Dropped due to short time or equal msg
2019.09.14 17:20:17 4: SIGNALduino433: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 9 -> CTW 600 matches, trying to demodulate
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: 0. try, regex ((?:)((?:32|12){60,})) did not match
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 13.1 -> FLAMINGO FA22RF / FA21RF / LM-101LD not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 16 -> Dooya not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 21 -> Einhell Garagedoor not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: substr: 121212123212321212121212323232321212321212323232121212121212123212323232121212123212321
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 24 -> visivon remote not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 26 -> remote not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 27 -> remote not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 28 -> IC Ledspot not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 29 -> HT12e not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 30 -> diverse not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 31 -> Pollin ISOTRONIC not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 32 -> FreeTec PE-6946 not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: substr: 3212321212121212323232321212321212323232121212121212123212323232121212123212321
2019.09.14 17:20:17 4: SIGNALduino433: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 34 -> QUIGG | LIBRA matches, trying to demodulate
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: part is 212321212121212323232321212321212323232121212121212123212323232121212123212321 starts at position 0 and ends at 79
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: 1. skip demodulation (length 39 is to long) at Pos 0 regex ((?:3)((?:21|23){20,}))
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 36 -> remote not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 37 -> Bresser 7009994 not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 38 -> NC-3911 not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: for MU Protocol id 39, applying filterfunc SIGNALduino_compPattern
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 39 -> X10 Protocol not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 40 -> Romotec  not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 42 -> wireless doorbell not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 44 -> BresserTemeo not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 44.1 -> BresserTemeo not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 45 -> Revolt not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 46 -> SKXxxx, GF0x0x not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 48 -> TFA Dostmann not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 49 -> QUIGG_GT-9000 not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 4: SIGNALduino433: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 50 -> Opus_XT300 matches, trying to demodulate
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: 0. try, regex ((?:)((?:32|12){47,}(?:1|3)?)) did not match
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 56 -> Celexon not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 59 -> AK-HD-4 not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 62 -> Clarus_Switch not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 4: SIGNALduino433: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 64 -> WH2 matches, trying to demodulate
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: 0. try, regex ((?:)((?:32|12){48,})) did not match
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 66 -> WS7035 not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 69 -> Hoermann not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 4: SIGNALduino433: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 71 -> PEARL matches, trying to demodulate
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: 0. try, regex ((?:)((?:32|12){48,})) did not match
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 72 -> Siro shutter not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 76 -> LED XM21 not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 79 -> wireless doorbell not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 81 -> SA-434-1 not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 83 -> RH787T not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 84 -> IAN 283582 / TV-4848 not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 85 -> TFA 30.3222.02 not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 86 -> BOSCH | CAME | Novy | Neff | Refsta Topdraft not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 89 -> TFA 30.3221.02 not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 91 -> Atlantic security not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 92 -> KRINNER Lumix not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 94 -> Atech not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: substr: 3212321212121212323232321212321212323232121212121212123212323232121212123212321
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433/RAW rmsg: Mu; œ„;‚;‚±…;³„ﻃ1;R7;D;e;w0;
2019.09.14 17:20:17 4: SIGNALduino433/msg READredu: MU;P0=-1052;P1=528;P2=1329;P3=-28548;CP=1;R=7;D=0102010101020101010102020102020101020202020202020202020101020202020202010201;e;w=0;
2019.09.14 17:20:17 4: SIGNALduino433: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 8 -> TX3 Protocol matches, trying to demodulate
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: 0. try, regex ((?:)((?:10|20){43,})) did not match
2019.09.14 17:20:17 4: SIGNALduino433: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 9 -> CTW 600 matches, trying to demodulate
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: 0. try, regex ((?:)((?:10|20){60,})) did not match
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 13.1 -> FLAMINGO FA22RF / FA21RF / LM-101LD not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 16 -> Dooya not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 21 -> Einhell Garagedoor not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: substr: 2010101020101010102020102020101020202020202020202020101020202020202010201
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 24 -> visivon remote not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 26 -> remote not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 27 -> remote not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 28 -> IC Ledspot not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 29 -> HT12e not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 30 -> diverse not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 31 -> Pollin ISOTRONIC not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 32 -> FreeTec PE-6946 not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: substr: 102010101020101010102020102020101020202020202020202020101020202020202010201
2019.09.14 17:20:17 4: SIGNALduino433: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 34 -> QUIGG | LIBRA matches, trying to demodulate
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: part is 02010101020101010102020102020101020202020202020202020101020202020202010201 starts at position 0 and ends at 75
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: 1. skip demodulation (length 37 is to long) at Pos 0 regex ((?:1)((?:02|01){20,}))
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 36 -> remote not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 37 -> Bresser 7009994 not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 38 -> NC-3911 not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: for MU Protocol id 39, applying filterfunc SIGNALduino_compPattern
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 39 -> X10 Protocol not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 40 -> Romotec  not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 42 -> wireless doorbell not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 44 -> BresserTemeo not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 44.1 -> BresserTemeo not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 45 -> Revolt not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 46 -> SKXxxx, GF0x0x not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: substr: 0102010101020101010102020102020101020202020202020202020101020202020202010201
2019.09.14 17:20:17 4: SIGNALduino433: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 48 -> TFA Dostmann matches, trying to demodulate
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: 0. try, regex ((?:01)((?:02|01){47,})) did not match
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 49 -> QUIGG_GT-9000 not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 4: SIGNALduino433: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 50 -> Opus_XT300 matches, trying to demodulate
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: 0. try, regex ((?:)((?:10|20){47,}(?:2|1)?)) did not match
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 56 -> Celexon not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 59 -> AK-HD-4 not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 62 -> Clarus_Switch not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 4: SIGNALduino433: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 64 -> WH2 matches, trying to demodulate
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: 0. try, regex ((?:)((?:10|20){48,})) did not match
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 66 -> WS7035 not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 69 -> Hoermann not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 4: SIGNALduino433: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 71 -> PEARL matches, trying to demodulate
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: 0. try, regex ((?:)((?:10|20){48,})) did not match
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 72 -> Siro shutter not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 76 -> LED XM21 not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 79 -> wireless doorbell not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 81 -> SA-434-1 not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 83 -> RH787T not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 84 -> IAN 283582 / TV-4848 not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 85 -> TFA 30.3222.02 not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 86 -> BOSCH | CAME | Novy | Neff | Refsta Topdraft not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 89 -> TFA 30.3221.02 not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 91 -> Atlantic security not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 92 -> KRINNER Lumix not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 94 -> Atech not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: substr: 102010101020101010102020102020101020202020202020202020101020202020202010201
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433/RAW rmsg: Mu; œ„;‚;‚±…;³„ﻃ1;R7;D2;e;w1;
2019.09.14 17:20:17 4: SIGNALduino433/msg READredu: MU;P0=-1052;P1=528;P2=1329;P3=-28548;CP=1;R=7;D=3202020201020102010101020101010102020102020101020202020202020202020101020202020202010201;e;w=1;
2019.09.14 17:20:17 4: SIGNALduino433: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 8 -> TX3 Protocol matches, trying to demodulate
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: part is 20202020102010201010102010101010202010202010102020202020202020202010102020202020201020 starts at position 1 and ends at 87
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: Starting demodulation ( regex: (?:)((?:10|20){43,}) Pos 0) length_min_max (43..44) length=43
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: dispatching hex: TXAEF2600604
2019.09.14 17:20:17 4: SIGNALduino433: Decoded matched MU Protocol id 8 dmsg TXAEF2600604 length 44 dispatch(1/4) RSSI = -70.5
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433 Dispatch: TXAEF2600604, test ungleich: disabled
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433 Dispatch: TXAEF2600604, -70.5 dB, dispatch
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: dispatch TXAEF2600604
2019.09.14 17:20:17 4: SIGNALduino433: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 9 -> CTW 600 matches, trying to demodulate
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: 0. try, regex ((?:)((?:10|20){60,})) did not match
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 13.1 -> FLAMINGO FA22RF / FA21RF / LM-101LD not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 16 -> Dooya not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 21 -> Einhell Garagedoor not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: substr: 202020201020102010101020101010102020102020101020202020202020202020101020202020202010201
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 24 -> visivon remote not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 26 -> remote not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 27 -> remote not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 28 -> IC Ledspot not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 29 -> HT12e not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 30 -> diverse not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 31 -> Pollin ISOTRONIC not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 32 -> FreeTec PE-6946 not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: substr: 1020102010101020101010102020102020101020202020202020202020101020202020202010201
2019.09.14 17:20:17 4: SIGNALduino433: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 34 -> QUIGG | LIBRA matches, trying to demodulate
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: part is 020102010101020101010102020102020101020202020202020202020101020202020202010201 starts at position 0 and ends at 79
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: 1. skip demodulation (length 39 is to long) at Pos 0 regex ((?:1)((?:02|01){20,}))
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 36 -> remote not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 37 -> Bresser 7009994 not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 38 -> NC-3911 not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: for MU Protocol id 39, applying filterfunc SIGNALduino_compPattern
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 39 -> X10 Protocol not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 40 -> Romotec  not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 42 -> wireless doorbell not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 44 -> BresserTemeo not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 44.1 -> BresserTemeo not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 45 -> Revolt not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 46 -> SKXxxx, GF0x0x not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: substr: 01020102010101020101010102020102020101020202020202020202020101020202020202010201
2019.09.14 17:20:17 4: SIGNALduino433: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 48 -> TFA Dostmann matches, trying to demodulate
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: 0. try, regex ((?:01)((?:02|01){47,})) did not match
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 49 -> QUIGG_GT-9000 not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 4: SIGNALduino433: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 50 -> Opus_XT300 matches, trying to demodulate
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: 0. try, regex ((?:)((?:10|20){47,}(?:2|1)?)) did not match
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 56 -> Celexon not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 59 -> AK-HD-4 not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 62 -> Clarus_Switch not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 4: SIGNALduino433: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 64 -> WH2 matches, trying to demodulate
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: 0. try, regex ((?:)((?:10|20){48,})) did not match
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 66 -> WS7035 not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 69 -> Hoermann not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 4: SIGNALduino433: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 71 -> PEARL matches, trying to demodulate
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: 0. try, regex ((?:)((?:10|20){48,})) did not match
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 72 -> Siro shutter not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 76 -> LED XM21 not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 79 -> wireless doorbell not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 81 -> SA-434-1 not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 83 -> RH787T not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 84 -> IAN 283582 / TV-4848 not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 85 -> TFA 30.3222.02 not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 86 -> BOSCH | CAME | Novy | Neff | Refsta Topdraft not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 89 -> TFA 30.3221.02 not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 91 -> Atlantic security not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 92 -> KRINNER Lumix not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 94 -> Atech not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: substr: 1020102010101020101010102020102020101020202020202020202020101020202020202010201
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433/RAW rmsg: Mu; œ„;‚;‚±…;³„ﻃ1;R7;D2;e;
2019.09.14 17:20:17 4: SIGNALduino433/msg READredu: MU;P0=-1052;P1=528;P2=1329;P3=-28548;CP=1;R=7;D=3202020201020102010101020101010102020102020101020202020202020202020101020202020202010201;e;
2019.09.14 17:20:17 4: SIGNALduino433: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 8 -> TX3 Protocol matches, trying to demodulate
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: part is 20202020102010201010102010101010202010202010102020202020202020202010102020202020201020 starts at position 1 and ends at 87
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: Starting demodulation ( regex: (?:)((?:10|20){43,}) Pos 0) length_min_max (43..44) length=43
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: dispatching hex: TXAEF2600604
2019.09.14 17:20:17 4: SIGNALduino433: Decoded matched MU Protocol id 8 dmsg TXAEF2600604 length 44 dispatch(1/4) RSSI = -70.5
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433 Dispatch: TXAEF2600604, test gleich
2019.09.14 17:20:17 4: SIGNALduino433 Dispatch: TXAEF2600604, Dropped due to short time or equal msg
2019.09.14 17:20:17 4: SIGNALduino433: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 9 -> CTW 600 matches, trying to demodulate
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: 0. try, regex ((?:)((?:10|20){60,})) did not match
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 13.1 -> FLAMINGO FA22RF / FA21RF / LM-101LD not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 16 -> Dooya not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 21 -> Einhell Garagedoor not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: substr: 202020201020102010101020101010102020102020101020202020202020202020101020202020202010201
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 24 -> visivon remote not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 26 -> remote not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 27 -> remote not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 28 -> IC Ledspot not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 29 -> HT12e not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 30 -> diverse not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 31 -> Pollin ISOTRONIC not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 32 -> FreeTec PE-6946 not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: substr: 1020102010101020101010102020102020101020202020202020202020101020202020202010201
2019.09.14 17:20:17 4: SIGNALduino433: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 34 -> QUIGG | LIBRA matches, trying to demodulate
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: part is 020102010101020101010102020102020101020202020202020202020101020202020202010201 starts at position 0 and ends at 79
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: 1. skip demodulation (length 39 is to long) at Pos 0 regex ((?:1)((?:02|01){20,}))
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 36 -> remote not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 37 -> Bresser 7009994 not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 38 -> NC-3911 not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: for MU Protocol id 39, applying filterfunc SIGNALduino_compPattern
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 39 -> X10 Protocol not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 40 -> Romotec  not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 42 -> wireless doorbell not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 44 -> BresserTemeo not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 44.1 -> BresserTemeo not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 45 -> Revolt not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 46 -> SKXxxx, GF0x0x not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: substr: 01020102010101020101010102020102020101020202020202020202020101020202020202010201
2019.09.14 17:20:17 4: SIGNALduino433: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 48 -> TFA Dostmann matches, trying to demodulate
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: 0. try, regex ((?:01)((?:02|01){47,})) did not match
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 49 -> QUIGG_GT-9000 not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 4: SIGNALduino433: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 50 -> Opus_XT300 matches, trying to demodulate
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: 0. try, regex ((?:)((?:10|20){47,}(?:1|2)?)) did not match
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 56 -> Celexon not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 59 -> AK-HD-4 not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 62 -> Clarus_Switch not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 4: SIGNALduino433: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 64 -> WH2 matches, trying to demodulate
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: 0. try, regex ((?:)((?:10|20){48,})) did not match
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 66 -> WS7035 not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 69 -> Hoermann not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 4: SIGNALduino433: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 71 -> PEARL matches, trying to demodulate
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: 0. try, regex ((?:)((?:10|20){48,})) did not match
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 72 -> Siro shutter not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 76 -> LED XM21 not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 79 -> wireless doorbell not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 81 -> SA-434-1 not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 83 -> RH787T not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 84 -> IAN 283582 / TV-4848 not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 85 -> TFA 30.3222.02 not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 86 -> BOSCH | CAME | Novy | Neff | Refsta Topdraft not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 89 -> TFA 30.3221.02 not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 91 -> Atlantic security not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 92 -> KRINNER Lumix not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: start pattern for MU Protocol id 94 -> Atech not found, aborting
2019.09.14 17:20:17 5: SIGNALduino433: substr: 1020102010101020101010102020102020101020202020202020202020101020202020202010201
schwatter commented 5 years ago

Die Klingel bzw. der Taster wurde nun doch noch angelegt. Durch Dauerfeuer auf den Taster wurde folgendes Device angelegt.

   DEF        32 7ED403
   FUUID      5d7d2bbd-f33f-86cf-9a39-e6aaa4f64b1e1282
   IODev      SIGNALduino433
   LASTInputDev SIGNALduino433
   MSGCNT     4
   NAME       SD_BELL_7ED403
   NR         1479
   SIGNALduino433_DMSG P32#7ED403
   SIGNALduino433_MSGCNT 8
   SIGNALduino433_Protocol_ID 32
   SIGNALduino433_RAWMSG MU;P0=130;P1=-666;P2=533;P3=-273;P5=-6200;CP=0;R=15;D=01232301230123010101010101010123230501232323232323012323012301230101010101010101232305012323232323230123230123012301010101010101012323050123232323232301232301230123010101010101010123230501232323232323012323012301230101010101010101232305012323232323230123;O;
   SIGNALduino433_RSSI -66.5
   SIGNALduino433_TIME 2019-09-14 20:04:48
   STATE      ring
   TYPE       SD_BELL
   bitMSG     011111101101010000000011
   lastMSG    7ED403
     2019-09-14 20:10:47   state           ring
   IODev      SIGNALduino433
   model      FreeTec_PE-6946
   room       SD_BELL
set SD_BELL_7ED403 ring 

funktioniert nun.

HomeAutoUser commented 5 years ago

Hallo @schwatter , der AutoCreate Level ist bei den Klingeln generell etwas erhöht eingestellt um nicht jedes Fehlsignal als Device sofort anzulegen.

Das bei dieser Klingel ein IT mit angelegt wird, das kann passieren sobald die Funksignale sich ähneln. Wenn du die ID 3 / IT nicht im Einsatz hast, so kannst du diese abschalten, wenn eine Neuanlegung dich jedes mal stören sollte. Ich werde auf jedenfalls deinen Typ mit als Dokumentation aufnehmen.

Ich werde mal die Nachrichten mir nochmal in Ruhe ansehen ob vielleicht man doch noch einen Anhaltspunkt findet. Besitzt du einen Signalanalyser? Anhand des OrginalSignal könnte man 100% verifizieren ob die Timings stimmen im Protokoll und ob der Signalduino auch richtig erkennt. Es scheint mir, das die Erkennung nicht eindeutig ein Protokoll ist. MU / MS

Sollte dein Problem dennoch geklärt sein oder du dies als erledigt betrachtest, so schließe den Faden bitte.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen :-)

schwatter commented 5 years ago

Danke für die ausführliche Erklärung. Einen Signalanalyser besitze ich nicht. Das mit dem ID3 / IT abschalten ist ein guter Tip. Im Moment besitze ich nur die Klingel(SD-BELL), billige FB(SD_RSL) und ein Temp/Hum Sensor(CUL_TX). IT anlegen verhindern per autocreate mit ignoreTypes oder beim SIGNALduino Device mit disableMessagetype?

Ansonsten, wenn ich noch was loggen oder testen kann mit meinem spärlichen Equipment, einfach melden.

schwatter commented 5 years ago

Habe es nun in autocreate eingetragen. Kommt erstmal kein neues Device dazu.

   FUUID      5c463138-f33f-86cf-99a4-bb6c2ab820e52e0f
   NAME       autocreate
   NOTIFYDEV  global
   NR         15
   NTFY_ORDER 50-autocreate
   STATE      active
   TYPE       autocreate
       42 79AB82B:
         1568541602.18027 1
   autosave   1
   filelog    ./log/%NAME-%Y.log
   ignoreTypes IT.*| SD_BELL.*| SD_RSL.*