We have a customer GatingSet, in the legacy V1 format (rds), which once converted to the newest format, fails with:
convert_legacy_gs('gs_v1', 'gs_converted')
# then elsewhere
./gs-to-wsp ./gs_converted/ /tmp/flowjo.wsp
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::runtime_error'
what(): unsupported transformation: LIN
The convert_legacy_gs() is run with:
R 4.1.3
flowWorkspace 4.6.0
cytolib 2.6.2
The gs-to-wsp binary is from the docker image public.ecr.aws/x4k5d9i7/cytoverse/gs-to-wsp:latest
N.B: it works on some others gating set files.
It's currently difficult to provide the file, for confidentiality reasons. If necessary, we'll try to anonymize it.
We have a customer GatingSet, in the legacy V1 format (rds), which once converted to the newest format, fails with:
is run with:The
binary is from the docker image public.ecr.aws/x4k5d9i7/cytoverse/gs-to-wsp:latestN.B: it works on some others gating set files.
It's currently difficult to provide the file, for confidentiality reasons. If necessary, we'll try to anonymize it.