Tools and methods for analysis of single cell assay data in R
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p values not reported for all features #177

Open susheelbhanu opened 1 year ago

susheelbhanu commented 1 year ago


I'm using MAST to obtain DE genes in specific clusters of scRNAseeq data. My commands look as follows:

subset.cells_23 <- subset(GM_combined_umap_clusters, idents = 22)
Idents(subset.cells_23) <- subset.cells_23$group
pvals_23 <- FindMarkers(subset.cells_23, ident.1 = "GM1", ident.2 = "GM4", test.use = "MAST")

The subset.cells_23 Seurat object has 32285 features (see below):

> subset.cells_23@assays$RNA
Assay data with 32285 features for 229 cells

When i look at the pvals_23 files though, it lists only 391 features. Is there a way to get the full list with all p-values irrespective of whether they are significant or not? image

Thank you!