Qualitiy control for gated flow cytometry data
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the data format for the expected total number of events #25

Closed mikejiang closed 10 years ago

mikejiang commented 12 years ago

The flow data generated from different time periods have different thresholds(expected events number) for each tube. like the data recorded after 20090825, we will have a vector tubeEvents20090825 to be passed as thresholds to qaCheck call: events CD8/CD25/CD4/CD3/CD62L 50000 CD1c/IgD/CD27/CD19/IgM 150000 HLADR/CD80/CD27/CD19/CD86 150000 CD57/CD56/CD8/CD3/CD14 20000

So we need to run qaCheck separately on the subset that are recorded during different time period by using subset argument: qaCheck(qaTask.list[["NumberOfEvents"]] , lBound=0.8*tubeEvents20090825 , subset=as.Date(RecdDt,"%m/%d/%y")>='2009-08-25' )

qaCheck(qaTask.list[["NumberOfEvents"]] ,lBound=0.8*tubesEvents20090622 ,subset=as.Date(RecdDt,"%m/%d/%y")<'2009-08-25'&as.Date(RecdDt,"%m/%d/%y")>='2009-06-22' )

Sai expressed the idea of single call of qaCheck on all the data, which requires an appropriate csv file provided by the user that contains the information of such threshold for each individual tube and each time period,sometime like this:

TubeName startDate endDate eventsNumber CD57/CD56/CD8/CD3/CD14 2009-06-22 2009-08-25 50000 .....

Once we agree on this csv format and stick to it, It should be easy to write a wrapper routine to do what Sai proposed,