RGLab / flowCore

Core flow cytometry infrastructure
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Renaming inside fcs file #270

Open parikhhm opened 1 month ago

parikhhm commented 1 month ago

I am using your “flowCore” package.

We want to change sample name in the header line. I am using “flowCore::read.FCSheader” function. How can I change “$FIL” field and save it as a new .fcs file?

library(flowCore) library(premessa) library(CytoExploreR)

fcs_hq <- flowCore::read.FCS("T001_Panel2.fcs.astrolabe.fcs", transformation = FALSE)

I want to change "T001_Panel2.fcs.astrolabe.fcs" to "TN1_Panel2.fcs.astrolabe.fcs" inside the fcs file.

Thanks for your kind help!


SamGG commented 1 month ago

Hi! Me, I will not try to change any of the information within an FCS file. I consider an FCS file as a RAW data. At one step or another, we need to add metadata (annotations) to each FCS file (biological sample). Therefore I use an external Excel or CSV file for handling metadata, which is already integrate when reading a flowset. Best.