RGLab / flowIncubator

Routines that don't belong to the core flow packages yet.
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save_gs/save_gslist break existing gs/gslist object when cdf == "move" #13

Closed mikejiang closed 11 years ago

mikejiang commented 11 years ago

We used to be able to modify cdf path within save_gs function call because ncdfFlowSet was stored in environment and such change will take effect on the input gs/gslist.

However, it is not the case any more due to the latest changes in RGLab/flowWorkspace#99

Apparently we can fix this by simply reloading it after saving

 #will break the current gslist due to the moving of cdf file
save_gslist(gslist, newPath, cdf = "move", ...)
 #have to reload it in order to continue to use gslist
gslist <- load_gslist(newPath)

However, it is lots of overhead by reloading (for large data set).

Before we come up an elegant way of updating cdf path of original gs/gslist , we will provide a specialized API save_gs_labkey , which is essentially equivalent to save_gslist + lightweight reloading

glist <- save_gslist_labkey(gslist, newPath, cdf = "move")
mikejiang commented 11 years ago

closed by 89b68cd