RGaming / Basewars

A gamemode for garrys mod
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Undocumented Spaghetti Code Clusterfucks Everywhere #8

Open nickelpro opened 12 years ago

nickelpro commented 12 years ago

This is just for me so I can have a place to document the many clusterfucks present in the lmaollama code

Ignoring the fact that it looks like someone intentionally sabotaged this source release and it should probably be re-written from scratch...

==Files That Need To Be Documented/Split Up==

gamemode/Extracrap.lua - does a million and one things, basically runs most of the game, extensive restructuring needed

gamemode/cl_helpvgui.lua - the help files, filed to the brim with generated HTML, needs to be handwritten

gamemode/rplol.lua - I have no idea and I probably don't want to know, someone just needs to fix this mess

gamemode/copypasta.lua - seriously, what the fuck is wrong with all this code