[x] DAGR model
[x] Orion model
[] DAGR functionality (IN PROGRESS)
[] Orion functionality (IN PROGRESS)
[] Refactor gadget paging system (IN PROGRESS)
[] Create GPS satellite system
[] Create GPS jamming system
store as much data that is not going to be changed or accesed too frequently in component class as this memory is shared across all entities of the same prefab (such data can be extracted by RHS_CustomComponentClass data = RHS_CustomComponentClass.Cast(GetComponentData(GetOwner())); => data.GetterThatYouCreatedInThatClass())
keep stuff protected if it doesnt have to be exposed as thats good for the memory stuff
since gps are gadgets then dont use any Frame entity events or call laters and isntead when it is needed utilize Update(float timeSlice) which is enabled by connecting that gadget to the gadget system (there should be dedicated method to do that)
keep network traffic to minimum as game already has to transfer a lot of information and we dont want to flood clients (ask if u really need to send that int/float/string/vector in that RplSave/RplLoad? or when it comes to actions use HasLocalEffectOnlyScript which tells the game if this actions should be also sent to the server and if HasLocalEffectOnlyScript() == false then CanBroadcastScript() will tell the server if it should broadcast this action to all clients that are within replication range of this object - rn there is a mistake in the comment for this as it says 'if HasLocalEffectOnlyScript is true' where it should say if it is false cuz with true it is only done for the client that pressed that [F] button for that user action)
visualize and update the gadget only when it is worth doing aka when in hand and u can check that for gadgets in ModeSwitch() as it will contain current new mode and that gadget character owner, in addition to that in ModeClear() u will have an access to the mode that was previously and is about to change so u can use that to f.e. disable updates of that gadget
[x] DAGR model [x] Orion model [] DAGR functionality (IN PROGRESS) [] Orion functionality (IN PROGRESS) [] Refactor gadget paging system (IN PROGRESS) [] Create GPS satellite system [] Create GPS jamming system