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(1.2) Several remaining prefab errors due to update #831

Closed Cyborgmatt closed 2 months ago

Cyborgmatt commented 2 months ago

These issues were tested and reproduced on the latest exp version 0.9.2750.

Any gun that comes pre-attached with an optic will throw an error when placed inside an Arsenal and, as a result, won't spawn with their intended scopes:


DEFAULT   (W): The prefab "Prefabs/Weapons/Attachments/Optics/m8541/Optic_M8541.et" should have a HierarchyComponent because it is spawned by an EntitySlotInfo in Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/M40/Rifle_M40A5_Optic.et

DEFAULT   (W): The prefab "Prefabs/Weapons/Attachments/Optics/ta31rco/Optic_TA31RCO.et" should have a HierarchyComponent because it is spawned by an EntitySlotInfo in Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/M27IAR/Rifle_M27IAR_TA31RCO.et

DEFAULT   (W): The prefab "Prefabs/Weapons/Attachments/Optics/ta31rco/Optic_TA31RCO_army.et" should have a HierarchyComponent because it is spawned by an EntitySlotInfo in Prefabs/Weapons/Rifles/M4A1/Rifle_M4A1_M203_RAS_TA31RCO_PEQ.et

Various pieces of attachable gear, such as patches, throw "Parent Node From Parent Entity" errors.


INVENTORY (W): @"ENTITY:12" ('GameEntity','Assets/Characters/Patches/rhs_patch_usmc_msob_insignia.xob') at <0.000000 0.000000 0.000000> @"{1DC57209E16BCD52}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Patches/Patch_Kapitan_Bomba.et" "Parent Node From Parent Entity" property on RplComponent of the item is set to true. It should be set to false.

INVENTORY (W): @"ENTITY:3" ('GameEntity','Assets/Characters/Patches/rhs_patch_us_flag_flat.xob') at <0.000000 0.000000 0.000000> @"{EAC140671B326F58}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Patches/Patch_US_Flag.et" "Parent Node From Parent Entity" property on RplComponent of the item is set to true. It should be set to false.

INVENTORY (W): @"ENTITY:36" ('GameEntity','Assets/Items/Equipment/NVG/ponos/ponos.xob') at <122.827721 1.000003 136.064774> @"{B8ABE98AE067D30B}Prefabs/Items/Equipment/Accessories/PONOS/Ponos.et" "Parent Node From Parent Entity" property on RplComponent of the item is set to true. It should be set to false.

This can also be seen happening with various weapon attachments as well:


INVENTORY (W): @"ENTITY:289" ('GameEntity','Assets/Weapons/Attachments/Lasers/Laser_ANPEQ16/rhs_anpeq16.xob') at <0.000000 0.000000 0.000000> @"{0FFFB0BCE1A21A2E}Prefabs/Weapons/Attachments/Lasers/anpeq16/Laser_ANPEQ16.et" "Parent Node From Parent Entity" property on RplComponent of the item is set to true. It should be set to false.

INVENTORY (W): @"ENTITY:412" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Weapons/Attachments/Misc/kac_railcover/kac_railcover_m4a1_ras.xob') at <0.000000 0.000000 0.000000> @"{77A74F65BAEC73E2}Prefabs/Weapons/Attachments/Misc/KacRailCover/KacRailCover_kit_m4a1_ras.et" "Parent Node From Parent Entity" property on RplComponent of the item is set to true. It should be set to false.

INVENTORY (W): @"ENTITY:610" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Weapons/Attachments/Optics/reapir/REAP_IR.xob') at <0.000000 0.000000 0.000000> @"{1A8E5E21EC65EE58}Prefabs/Weapons/Attachments/Optics/reap_ir/reap_ir.et" "Parent Node From Parent Entity" property on RplComponent of the item is set to true. It should be set to false.

The Binoculars and Garmin watch have the old animation graph format on them and will throw errors:

 RESOURCES    : GetResourceObject @"{43B1E3F8E3525D03}Assets/Items/Equipment/Binoculars/Rangefinder_PDU4/Workspaces/Binoculars_PDU4.agr"
  ANIMATION    : AnimGraph load @"{43B1E3F8E3525D03}Assets/Items/Equipment/Binoculars/Rangefinder_PDU4/Workspaces/Binoculars_PDU4.agr"
   ANIMATION    : Graph file load @"{6CBFFD427DF13433}Assets/Items/Equipment/Binoculars/Rangefinder_PDU4/Workspaces/Binoculars_PDU4.agf"
    ANIMATION (W): Deprecated format of animation graph, please re-save after loading is done.
    ANIMATION (W): Deprecated format of animation graph, please re-save after loading is done.
    ANIMATION (W): Deprecated format of animation graph, please re-save after loading is done.

 RESOURCES    : GetResourceObject @"{510B81BD11A9CEDE}Assets/Items/Equipment/Watches/GarminBravo/workspace/Watch_Garmin.agr"
  ANIMATION    : AnimGraph load @"{510B81BD11A9CEDE}Assets/Items/Equipment/Watches/GarminBravo/workspace/Watch_Garmin.agr"
   ANIMATION    : Graph file load @"{7E059F078F0AA7EE}Assets/Items/Equipment/Watches/GarminBravo/workspace/Watch_Garmin.agf"
    ANIMATION (W): Deprecated format of animation graph, please re-save after loading is done.
    ANIMATION (W): Deprecated format of animation graph, please re-save after loading is done.
    ANIMATION (W): Deprecated format of animation graph, please re-save after loading is done.
odkupiciel375 commented 2 months ago

bunch of 'Parent Node From Parent Entity' fixed in r2766

tacticaltoxic commented 2 months ago

this is weird about hierarchy, TA31RCO_Army, m8561 and ta31rco all have hierarchy compoennt

Cyborgmatt commented 2 months ago

this is weird about hierarchy, TA31RCO_Army, m8561 and ta31rco all have hierarchy compoennt

I nuked my files and started from scratch; I'm no longer getting that specific error so that you can ignore that one.

It was most likely caused by the issue where the updated files are not written to disk properly during a mod update, but that is a Reforger issue for Bohemia to fix.

tacticaltoxic commented 2 months ago

probably fixed