RHsyseng / artifactory-on-openshift

This is JFrog Artifactory on OpenShift 3, a containerized version of Artifactory with an OpenShift template.
2 stars 4 forks source link

ansible deploy fails to build and missing service account #3

Open sbadakhc opened 7 years ago

sbadakhc commented 7 years ago

See details below:

[sbadakhc@lap01phy01 ~]$ oc get ev
LASTSEEN   FIRSTSEEN   COUNT     NAME                             KIND      SUBOBJECT                                 TYPE      REASON      SOURCE                 MESSAGE
3m         3m          1         artifactory-postgresql-1-32b70   Pod                                                 Normal    Scheduled   {default-scheduler }   Successfully assigned artifactory-postgresql-1-32b70 to nde01blu01
3m         3m          1         artifactory-postgresql-1-32b70   Pod       spec.containers{artifactory-postgresql}   Normal    Pulled      {kubelet nde01blu01}   Container image "registry.access.redhat.com/rhscl/postgresql-95-rhel7@sha256:ca639f057676cf6961e9372fad8764b6e9b0d119beec501b1c1e30bde33c3246" already present on machine
3m         3m          1         artifactory-postgresql-1-32b70   Pod       spec.containers{artifactory-postgresql}   Normal    Created     {kubelet nde01blu01}   Created container with docker id 384cdab41ad8; Security:[seccomp=unconfined]
3m         3m          1         artifactory-postgresql-1-32b70   Pod       spec.containers{artifactory-postgresql}   Normal    Started     {kubelet nde01blu01}   Started container with docker id 384cdab41ad8
3m         3m          3         artifactory-postgresql-1-32b70   Pod       spec.containers{artifactory-postgresql}   Warning   Unhealthy   {kubelet nde01blu01}   Readiness probe failed: sh: cannot set terminal process group (-1): Inappropriate ioctl for device
sh: no job control in this shell
psql: could not connect to server: Connection refused
          Is the server running on host "" and accepting
          TCP/IP connections on port 5432?

2m        2m        1         artifactory-postgresql-1-32b70    Pod                     spec.containers{artifactory-postgresql}   Warning   Unhealthy                      {kubelet nde01blu01}             Liveness probe failed: dial tcp i/o timeout
3m        3m        1         artifactory-postgresql-1-deploy   Pod                                                               Normal    Scheduled                      {default-scheduler }             Successfully assigned artifactory-postgresql-1-deploy to nde02blu01
3m        3m        1         artifactory-postgresql-1-deploy   Pod                     spec.containers{deployment}               Normal    Pulled                         {kubelet nde02blu01}             Container image "openshift3/ose-deployer:v3.5.5.26" already present on machine
3m        3m        1         artifactory-postgresql-1-deploy   Pod                     spec.containers{deployment}               Normal    Created                        {kubelet nde02blu01}             Created container with docker id aed4e8ed7a46; Security:[seccomp=unconfined]
3m        3m        1         artifactory-postgresql-1-deploy   Pod                     spec.containers{deployment}               Normal    Started                        {kubelet nde02blu01}             Started container with docker id aed4e8ed7a46
3m        3m        1         artifactory-postgresql-1          ReplicationController                                             Normal    SuccessfulCreate               {replication-controller }        Created pod: artifactory-postgresql-1-32b70
3m        3m        1         artifactory-postgresql            DeploymentConfig                                                  Normal    DeploymentCreated              {deploymentconfig-controller }   Created new replication controller "artifactory-postgresql-1" for version 1
0s        3m        138       artifactory-rev-proxy             BuildConfig                                                       Warning   BuildConfigInstantiateFailed   {build-config-controller }       error instantiating Build from BuildConfig artifactory-test/artifactory-rev-proxy: Error resolving ImageStreamTag s2i-nginx-acme:latest in namespace artifactory-test: unable to find latest tagged image
3m        3m        1         artifactory                       StatefulSet                                                       Normal    SuccessfulCreate               {statefulset }                   pvc: artifactory-data-artifactory-0
3m        3m        1         artifactory                       StatefulSet                                                       Normal    SuccessfulCreate               {statefulset }                   pvc: artifactory-logs-artifactory-0
3m        3m        1         artifactory                       StatefulSet                                                       Normal    SuccessfulCreate               {statefulset }                   pvc: artifactory-backup-artifactory-0
3m        3m        1         artifactory                       StatefulSet                                                       Normal    SuccessfulCreate               {statefulset }                   pvc: artifactory-var-artifactory-0
2s        3m        22        artifactory                       StatefulSet                                                       Warning   FailedCreate                   {statefulset }                   pet: artifactory-0, error: pods "artifactory-0" is forbidden: service account artifactory-test/artifactory was not found, retry after the service account is created
3m        3m        1         s2i-nginx-acme-1-build            Pod                                                               Normal    Scheduled                      {default-scheduler }             Successfully assigned s2i-nginx-acme-1-build to nde02blu01
3m        3m        1         s2i-nginx-acme-1-build            Pod                     spec.containers{docker-build}             Normal    Pulling                        {kubelet nde02blu01}             pulling image "openshift3/ose-docker-builder:v3.5.5.26"
3m        3m        1         s2i-nginx-acme-1-build            Pod                     spec.containers{docker-build}             Normal    Pulled                         {kubelet nde02blu01}             Successfully pulled image "openshift3/ose-docker-builder:v3.5.5.26"
3m        3m        1         s2i-nginx-acme-1-build            Pod                     spec.containers{docker-build}             Normal    Created                        {kubelet nde02blu01}             Created container with docker id d6a48ff812b0; Security:[seccomp=unconfined]
3m        3m        1         s2i-nginx-acme-1-build            Pod                     spec.containers{docker-build}             Normal    Started                        {kubelet nde02blu01}             Started container with docker id d6a48ff812b0
sbadakhc commented 7 years ago

Also seeing this in the logs:

Cloning "http://gitlab.com/goern/artifactory-on-openshift.git" ...
error: build error: failed to fetch requested repository "http://gitlab.com/goern/artifactory-on-openshift.git" with provided credentials