The way the address object is currently built doesn't correctly pass apartment/suite numbers along to Domino's.
I think the guidance should be to use the address returned in the response of the store-locator API. Domino's has some logic on the server to convert full names like "Apartment" or "Suite" to APT or STE, and then adds properties to the Address object returned: UnitNumber and UnitType (in addition to appending STE 123 to the Street property).
The way the address object is currently built doesn't correctly pass apartment/suite numbers along to Domino's.
I think the guidance should be to use the address returned in the response of the store-locator API. Domino's has some logic on the server to convert full names like "Apartment" or "Suite" to APT or STE, and then adds properties to the Address object returned: UnitNumber and UnitType (in addition to appending STE 123 to the Street property).
If you make a call like this to the store-locator API:
Notice the format that it returns the Address (address is fake so no PII concerns) in: