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Backend for the CSP Quiz
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Period 1 Quiz Submission #1

Open rachit-j opened 3 months ago

rachit-j commented 3 months ago

Submit your period one quiz issue link here

rachit-j commented 3 months ago

Matthew Wakayama: https://github.com/M8tth3/m8th3_2.0/issues/6

Sreejarai123 commented 3 months ago

Sreeja Rai p1 csp issue https://github.com/Sreejarai123/2nd-student/issues/6

rachit-j commented 3 months ago

Trevor Huang: https://github.com/trevorhuang1/csp_blog/issues/8

Nupurbb commented 3 months ago

Nupur B per 1 https://github.com/Nupurbb/student3/issues/7#issue-2198689194

AidanLau10 commented 3 months ago

Aidan Lau Period 1 https://github.com/AidanLau10/student2/issues/43

alishahussain commented 3 months ago

Alisha Hussain https://github.com/alishahussain/student2/issues/12

nitinsandiego commented 3 months ago

Nitin Balaji Period 1 Blog

EshikaP1 commented 3 months ago

Eshika Pallapotu Period 1 Deployment

JBaza12 commented 3 months ago

Jared Baza Period 1 Lopez Deployment Issue

aashrayr commented 3 months ago

Aashray Rajagopalan Period 1 Lopez https://github.com/aashrayr/student2/issues/8

sharonkodali commented 3 months ago

Sharon Kodali Period 1 Lopez deployment quiz

Chrissiez commented 3 months ago

Chrissie Zhou Period 1 Lopez deployment quiz

EthanH06 commented 3 months ago

Ethan Hong P1 Lopez deployment quiz

KinetekEnergy commented 3 months ago

Aashray Reddy P1 - Lopez Original Issue

I had submitted on class early but didn't see the slack message (all my work was complete on time though). So I am linking the original issue I had made.

IshanCornick commented 3 months ago

Ishan Cornick P1 Lopez Deployment quiz (Was completed in class on Wednesday at 4:30 and blog was shown for a grade of 3/3, blog was also posted on Mr. Mortensen's Deploy test here: Link

tanav-kambhampati commented 3 months ago

Tanav Kambhampati: Issue

AnvayYadav commented 3 months ago

Anvay Yadav Period 1 Lopez (Was completed in class on Wednesday at 4:30 and blog was shown for a grade of 3/3) Issue link: https://github.com/AnvayYadav/student/issues/6

avanthikadaita commented 3 months ago

Avanthika Daita Per 1 Issue

liangkyle08 commented 3 months ago

Kyle Liang Issue

iwu78 commented 3 months ago

Ian Wu Period 2 Issue

SGTech08 commented 3 months ago

Saathvik Gampa Period 5 Issue

jm1021 commented 3 months ago

Thank you to all the students that have posted above this line.


isabellehp commented 2 months ago

Isabelle Park period 1 (retake) issue