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i2c peripheral: proposition and discussion about an API #19560

Open citorva opened 1 year ago

citorva commented 1 year ago


I had to use the I2C in the peripheral mode in a project using Riot OS in order to make several cards communicating to each other in a bus topology.

However, this mode was impossible to realize with the current Riot OS API because the current I2C driver does not support I2C in the peripheral mode.

My aim in this document is to describe a draft API in order to implement the peripheral mode in the operating system.

The API design principles

The strength of Riot OS is its architecture built around the use of a scheduler, making possible the multithreading.

With this feature, the choice has been made to rely on this operation in order to offer blocking functions in the high-level API, preventing the development of the interruption routine by the end user.

I am actually inspired by the Atmel's SERCOM peripheral in the addressing mode.



Here is an example using the API in a basic application

#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdbool.h>

#include "periph/i2c_peripheral.h"

// The I2C device id, its value is the same as the one of the master I2C API
#define I2C_DEVICE 0

// The device configuration
i2c_peripheral_config_t config = {
    // The I2C address listened by the I2C peripheral.
    .address1 = 0x3F,

    // Allowing the current system to answer general call messages.
    .enable_general_call = true

int main(void)
    // Initialize the I2C device in the peripheral mode with the given configuration
    i2c_peripheral_init(I2C_DEVICE, config);

    while (1)
        // Sleeping until a message is received for the device. This function returns
        // false when a message is received by the peripheral.
        if (!i2c_peripheral_begin_communication(I2C_DEVICE, NULL, 0))
            uint16_t buf;

            // Getting the received message 
            i2c_peripheral_receive_message(I2C_DEVICE, sizeof(buf), &buf);

            // Waiting for the master ends the send
            if (i2c_peripheral_wait_status(CURRENT_I2C_BUS, 0) == I2C_PERIPHERAL_NO_ERROR)
                uint8_t data = (buf >> 9) + (buf & 0x7F);

                if (i2c_peripheral_begin_communication(I2C_DEVICE, NULL, 0))
                    i2c_peripheral_send_message(I2C_DEVICE, sizeof(data), &data);
                    // Ignore received bytes until the communication ends.
                // Ignore received bytes until the communication ends.
            // Sends 0 until the communication ends

        // Waiting for the master ends the current communication
        i2c_peripheral_wait_status(CURRENT_I2C_BUS, 0);

    return 0;

Sample header

Here is the sample API of the project:


#include <stdbool.h>
#include "periph/i2c.h"

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

 * @brief I2C method action status
 * @{
typedef enum {
    I2C_PERIPHERAL_NO_ERROR,     /**< The sending or the receiving was made without error */
    I2C_PERIPHERAL_TOO_LONG,     /**< The received data or the sent data was too long compared to what was expected */
    I2C_PERIPHERAL_TOO_SHORT,    /**< The received data or the sent data was too short compared to what was expected */
    I2C_PERIPHERAL_TIMEOUT,      /**< The host or the peripheral took too many time to answer */

    I2C_PERIPHERAL_UNKNOWN_ERROR /**< An unknown error occured when executing the program */
} i2c_peripheral_status_t;
/** @} */

typedef enum {
} i2c_addressing_mode_t;

typedef enum {
} i2c_speed_mode_t;

typedef struct {
    uint16_t address1           : 10;
    uint16_t address2           : 10;
    i2c_addressing_mode_t mode  : 2;
    i2c_speed_mode_t speed_mode : 2;
    bool use_10bit_address      : 1;
    bool enable_general_call    : 1;
} i2c_address_config_t;

void i2c_peripheral_init(i2c_t dev, i2c_address_config_t config);

 * @begin Wait the master beginning the communication
 * @param dev       The device waiting the beginning of the communication
 * @param address   A pointer to a variable containing the received address.
 *                  This parameter is useful when the peripheral is configured
 *                  with multiple address (Mask, Two addresses or range) ant the
 *                  behaviour differs according on the latter.
 * @return 1 when the master initializes the communication in write mode (the
 *         peripheral receives the data) and 0 elsewise (the peripheral must send the
 *         data). It returns -1 when the devices does not receive anything after
 *         the timeout.
int i2c_peripheral_begin_communication(i2c_t dev, uint16_t *address, uint32_t timeout);

 * @brief Skip the incoming message until the restart or stop message.
 * @param dev The device receiving the data to be thrown away.
void i2c_peripheral_skip_message(i2c_t dev);

 * @brief Set the buffer where receiving data
 * @param dev       The device waiting for data
 * @param buf_size  The maximum buffer size in octets
 * @param buf       The buffer where the message come in. The last one must have
 *                  the size specified by buf_size. Use sizeof if buf a
 *                  reference to a stack variable.
 * @return I2C_PERIPHERAL_NO_ERROR when the message was successfully received or the
 *         value corresponding to the error type.
void i2c_peripheral_receive_message(i2c_t dev, size_t buf_size, void *buf);

 * @brief Set the beffer where sending data
 * @param dev       The device sending data
 * @param buf_size  The buffer size in octets (number of octets that must be
 *                  sent to the master)
 * @param buf       The data buffer to send to the master.
 * @return I2C_PERIPHERAL_NO_ERROR when the message was successfully sent or the
 *         value corresponding to the error type.
void i2c_peripheral_send_message(i2c_t dev, size_t buf_size, void *buf);

 * @brief Waits for the end of a communication and rethieves the status
 * @return The status of the last command
i2c_peripheral_status_t i2c_peripheral_wait_status(i2c_t dev, uint32_t timeout);

#ifdef __cplusplus

/** @} */
maribu commented 1 year ago

The API is pretty clear, condensed and thought through. Thanks for your effort!

Two suggestions:

  1. I personally would prefer a non-blocking API
    • It is relatively easy to provide an efficient blocking API on top of a non-blocking, but it is impossible to provide an efficient non-blocking API on top of a blocking
    • The hardware is non-blocking. Hence, every implementation of an I2C driver will have to do impedance matching to convert the non-blocking hardware primitives into a blocking API. If there would be a blocking convenience API on top, this would needs to be implemented only once and would directly be available for every I2C peripheral mode implementation
    • Blocking mode requires a dedicated thread. However, I2C peripheral devices typically are optimized for low power and low cost. Both would benefit from lower RAM consumption (as SRAM uses also power). In non-blocking mode we don't need the stack
  2. Modern literature avoids the terminology master/slave, but uses controller / peripheral
    • Let's side-step all the culture war behind this for a moment: The new terminology is objectively technically more precise/correct, hence IMO preferable
    • Since this is a new API, it would be zero-cost to go for the new terminology. Switching later would result in the API breakage and refactoring pain nobody likes.
citorva commented 1 year ago

Thank you for your answer.

I have updated the first message regarding the use of the word "slave".

About the non-blocking API, I don't understand how to make it working.

I thought about callback use called on hardware interrupt, however, I think that the main thread must be blocked during the peripheral lifetime.

However, I can be anyway useful to implement a low level API like that before the API as described above to reduce the platform-specific implementation.

maribu commented 1 year ago

Maybe a non-blocking API could look a bit like this:

 * @brief   I2C bus initialization parameters for use in peripheral mode
typedef struct {
    /* global bus settings come here: speed, address width support, ... */
} i2c_peripheral_params_t;

 * @brief   Handler specification for an I2C peripheral endpoint
typedef struct {
     * @brief   Callback function to be called when data was received (written
     *          to the peripheral by the controller)
     * @param   addr        The address of the peripheral data was received for
     * @param   data        The received data
     * @param   data_len    Length of @p data in bytes
     * @warning The "ownership" of the buffer @p data points to is returned to
     *          the I2C driver when this function returns. The I2C driver is
     *          free to reuse this buffer once this function returns.
    void (*rx_callback)(uint16_t addr, const void *data, size_t data_len);
     * @brief   Callback function to be called when data needs to be send
     *          (read from the peripheral by the controller)
     * @param   buf         Buffer to write the data in for transmission
     * @param   size        The size of the buffer (cannot send more than this)
     * @return  The number of bytes written to the buffer
     * @note    This function is only called when no data to transmit was
     *          previously queued via @ref i2c_periphal_queue_tx_data
     * @warning The I2C driver will do clock stretching until this functions
     *          returns. Not every I2C device supports clock stretching and
     *          not every I2C controller handles clock stretching correctly.
     *          If the I2C driver does not support clock stretching,
     *          registering a driver with `tx_callback != NULL` will fail.
     * @note    Prefer sending data to the controller via
     *          @ref i2c_periphal_queue_tx_data if possible
    size_t (*tx_callback)(void *buf, size_t buf_size);
} i2c_peripheral_handler_t;

 * @brief   Initialize I2C hardware for use in peripheral mode (sometimes
 *          referred to as "slave" mode)
 * @param   dev         Device to initialize
 * @param   params      Parameters to initialize the device with
 * @retval  0           Success
 * @retval  <0          Failure with negative errno code to indicate the cause
int i2c_peripheral_init(i2c_t dev, const i2c_peripheral_params_t *params);

 * @brief   Register an address and corresponding handler specification
 * @param   dev         Device to register the address and handler to
 * @param   buf         The buffer to use for data to send to the controller
 * @param   buf_len     Size of @p buf in bytes
 * @param   addr        I2C peripheral address to respond to
 * @param   handler     Callback functions to call when the controllers
 *                      sending data / requesting data
 * @warning Not every I2C driver / hardware supports clock stretching. In case
 *          it doesn't, this function will return `-ENOTSUP` if the TX callback
 *          in @p handler is not `NULL`.
 * @retval  0           Success
 * @retval  -ENOTSUP    Parameters not supported
 * @retval  -EBUSY      All "address slots" are in use, cannot register more
 *                      addresses
 * @retval  <0          Failure with negative errno code ti indicate the cause
int i2c_peripheral_add_addr(i2c_t dev, void *buf, size_t buf_len, uint16_t addr,
                            const i2c_peripheral_handler_t *handler);

 * @brief   Unregister an address
 * @post    When the controller is subsequently trying to communicate with
 *          that address, this I2C device no longer responds to it
 * @post    The buffer previously registered will no longer be used by the
 *          I2C device
void i2c_peripheral_del_addr(i2c_t dev, uint16_t addr);

 * @name    Flags to pass to @ref i2c_peripheral_queue_tx_data
 * @{
 * @brief   Append data to the end of the TX queue, rather than
 *          overwriting the queue
 * @brief   Replace data in the TX queue with the new data (if any), rather
 *          then appending it
/** @} */

 * @brief   Queue data to transmit to the controller (controller reads from
 *          peripheral)
 * @param   dev         The I2C device to queue data for sending to
 * @param   addr        The I2C address to send the data from
 * @param   data        The data to send
 * @param   data_len    Length of the data in @p data in bytes
 * @param   flags       Specify exact behavior such as whether the data should
 *                      be appended, or overwrite data in the TX queue.
 * The I2C driver must send the queued data to the controller when the
 * controller next reads from I2C address @p addr. This takes preference over
 * the function in @ref i2c_peripheral_handler_t::tx_callback. If the
 * controller reads more data than is queued, a NACK will be send rather
 * than falling back to calling the TX callback.
 * @note    If feasible, the I2C driver will reply with the queued data without
 *          clock stretching
 * @retval  0           Success
 * @retval  -EOVERFLOW  The TX buffer is overflown
int i2c_periphal_queue_tx_data(i2c_t dev, uint16_t addr,
                               const void *data, size_t data_len,
                               bool flags);

I tried to optimize the suggested API for:

  1. Natively support multiple peripheral address.
    • E.g. some vendors provide accelerometers and magnetometers in separate packages, or combined into a single chip. I think the combined thing only behaves as two separate I2C peripherals but is actually reusing a lot of circuity, but just provide different sensor data depending on the I2C address.
    • We could be able to emulate a whole zoo of I2C devices with a single RIOT powered MCU with this
    • If the hardware doesn't support multiple peripheral addresses, this is fine as well: The second call to i2c_peripheral_add_addr() can then just fail
  2. Make the most of DMA
    • I2C is typically super slow. If the CPU can prepare the whole response in one burst and then let the DMA handle the transmission, the CPU is free to attend other computational tasks or to go to power saving mode
    • This clearly trades some RAM. But due to I2C being slow, I2C is rarely used when a lot of data is to send. Thus, small buffers usually are sufficient.
  3. Clearly define where and where not to clock-stretch
    • Not every controller handles clock stretching correctly, and maybe not every I2C device (in peripheral mode) supports clock stretching
    • Timing can be tricky when not doing clock stretching. With the ability to queue the reply in advance, it should be quite feasible to reply without clock stretching

Please keep in mind that the suggested API is not implemented and tested. There may be some really rough corners and bugs in it.

citorva commented 1 year ago

Using i2c_peripheral_add_addr will require a way to manages registered addresses and, in many devices which enable complex addressing, I fear that it will require dynamic allocation. I don't know if Riot OS avoid dynamic allocation, but I prefer to avoid it.

I have made this one from your proposition:

 * @brief   Type of the callback function to be called when data was received
 *          (written to the peripheral by the controller)
 * @param   addr        The address of the peripheral data was received for
 * @param   data        The received data
 * @param   data_size   The size of the received @p data in bytes
 * @warning The "ownership" of the buffer @p data points to is returned to the
 *          I2C driver when this function returns. The I2C driver is free to
 *          reuse this buffer once this function returns
typedef void (*i2c_peripheral_rx_callback_t)(uint16_t addr,
                                                  const void *data,
                                                  size_t data_size);

 * @brief   Type of the callback function to be called when data needs to be
 *          send (read from the peripheral by the controller)
 * @param   addr        The address of the peripheral data needs to be sent for
 * @param   buffer      The buffer to write the data in the transmission
 * @param   buffer_size The size of @p buffer in bytes. The data needs to fit
 *                      into the buffer, thus its size needs to be lower than
 *                      the buffer size
 * @return  The number of bytes written to the buffer
 * @note    This function is only called when no data to transmit was previously
 *          queued via @ref i2c_peripheral_queue_tx_data
 * @warning The I2C driver will do clock stretching until this functions
 *          returns. Not every I2C device supports clock stretching and  not
 *          every I2C controller handles clock stretching correctly. If the I2C
 *          driver does not support clock stretching, registering this callback
 *          function will fail
 * @note    Prefer sending data to the controller via
 *          @ref i2c_periphal_queue_tx_data if possible
typedef size_t (*i2c_peripheral_tx_callback_t)(uint16_t addr, void *buffer,
                                                 size_t buffer_size);

 * @brief   Make the peripheral accept all messages to the specified address
 * @param   dev     The I2C device to set address for
 * @param   address The address listened to by the peripheral
 * @note    Only one address mode must be specified for each I2C peripherals,
 *          calling @ref i2c_peripheral_set_address,
 *          @ref i2c_peripheral_set_address_range,
 *          @ref i2c_peripheral_set_address_with_mask or
 *          @ref i2c_peripheral_set_address_duet will overwrite the previous
 *          configuration
void i2c_peripheral_set_address(i2c_t dev, uint16_t address);

 * @brief   Make the peripheral accept all messages to an address in the given
 *          range
 * @param   dev             The I2C device to set address for
 * @param   begin_address   The first address in the range
 * @param   end_address     The last address in the range
 * @note    Only one address mode must be specified for each I2C peripherals,
 *          calling @ref i2c_peripheral_set_address,
 *          @ref i2c_peripheral_set_address_range,
 *          @ref i2c_peripheral_set_address_with_mask or
 *          @ref i2c_peripheral_set_address_duet will overwrite the previous
 *          configuration
 * @warning This method is not supported on all devices which enable I2C in the
 *          peripheral mode. This function will fail if you attempt to call it
 *          on an unsupported hardware
void i2c_peripheral_set_address_range(i2c_t dev, uint16_t begin_address,
                                      uint16_t end_address);

 * @brief   Make the peripheral accept all messages to an address matching with
 *          the masked one
 * @param   dev     The I2C device to set address for
 * @param   address The address to match
 * @param   mask    The applied mask
 * @note    Only one address mode must be specified for each I2C peripherals,
 *          calling @ref i2c_peripheral_set_address,
 *          @ref i2c_peripheral_set_address_range,
 *          @ref i2c_peripheral_set_address_with_mask or
 *          @ref i2c_peripheral_set_address_duet will overwrite the previous
 *          configuration
 * @warning This method is not supported on all devices which enable I2C in the
 *          peripheral mode. This function will fail if you attempt to call it
 *          on an unsupported hardware
void i2c_peripheral_set_address_with_mask(i2c_t dev, uint16_t address,
                                          uint16_t mask);

 * @brief   Make the peripheral accept all messages to one of the two specified
 *          addresses
 * @param   dev         The I2C device to set address for
 * @param   address1    The first address to match
 * @param   address2    The second address to match
 * @note    Only one address mode must be specified for each I2C peripherals,
 *          calling @ref i2c_peripheral_set_address,
 *          @ref i2c_peripheral_set_address_range,
 *          @ref i2c_peripheral_set_address_with_mask or
 *          @ref i2c_peripheral_set_address_duet will overwrite the previous
 *          configuration
 * @warning This method is not supported on all devices which enable I2C in the
 *          peripheral mode. This function will fail if you attempt to call it
 *          on an unsupported hardware
void i2c_peripheral_set_address_duet(i2c_t dev, uint16_t address1,
                                     uint16_t address2);

 * @brief   Register the callback function called when the peripheral receives
 *          data from the controller
 * @param   dev     The I2C device to set the callback for
 * @param   cb      The callback function to set
void i2c_peripheral_register_rx_callback(i2c_t dev, 
                                         i2c_peripheral_rx_callback_t cb);

 * @brief   Register the callback function called when the controller claims
 *          data from the peripheral when no data has not been queued with
 *          @ref i2c_peripheral_queue_tx_data
 * @param   dev     The I2C device to set the callback for
 * @param   cb      The callback function to set
 * @warning The I2C driver will do clock stretching until this functions
 *          returns. Not every I2C device supports clock stretching and  not
 *          every I2C controller handles clock stretching correctly. If the I2C
 *          driver does not support clock stretching, registering this callback
 *          function will fail
void i2c_peripheral_register_tx_callback(i2c_t dev,
                                         i2c_peripheral_tx_callback_t cb);

 * @brief   Queue the data to send to the controller
 * @param   dev         The I2C device to queue the data for
 * @param   addr        The I2C address to queue data for
 * @param   data        The data to queue
 * @param   data_size   The size of the data to queue
 * @warning The "ownership" of the buffer @p data must be kept after the end of
 *          this function call and maybe the end of the parent function
 * @note    Please consider using a static data or ensure that the data will not
 *          be freed before its transmission by using
 *          @ref i2c_peripheral_is_data_queued
 * @warning Calling this function multiple times with different addresses with
 *          the same device will not stack the queued data. The last queued data
 *          pointer will be overwritten by the new queued data
void i2c_peripheral_queue_tx_data(i2c_t dev, uint16_t addr,
                                  const void *data, size_t data_size);

 * @brief   Check whether the data is still queued
 * @param   dev     The I2C device where check the data is still queued
 * @param   data    The pointer to the possibly queued data
 * @return  1 when the data is still queued or 0 else
int i2c_peripheral_is_data_queued(i2c_t dev, const void *data);
maribu commented 1 year ago

Hi, thanks for the reply.

void i2c_peripheral_set_address_duet(i2c_t dev, uint16_t address1,
                                     uint16_t address2);
void i2c_peripheral_set_address_with_mask(i2c_t dev, uint16_t address,
                                          uint16_t mask);
void i2c_peripheral_set_address_range(i2c_t dev, uint16_t begin_address,
                                      uint16_t end_address);

These three essentially try to scratch the same itch. The most likely outcome is that users will end up using the most convenient (set_address_range()) while drivers have to implement all three. IMO, it is better to only provide one interface for drivers to implement. If that interface is not user-friendly, it would be possible to add a convenience function on top (hence, only a single implementation) and greatly reduce the complexity of the per hardware drivers.

void i2c_peripheral_register_rx_callback(i2c_t dev, 
                                         i2c_peripheral_rx_callback_t cb);

I assume that this is expect to be called exactly once? If so, it is IMO better to not use function pointers at all but rather expect the user to implement a function with a given name. With that, there is no state to manage (the callback function is always "there") and direct function calls are more efficient.

But note that compared to the registration of an address in combination with a callback function, a lot of flexibility is lost. If the API would indeed allow to register a callback function along with a corresponding I2C address, it would be relatively trivial to implement e.g. an i2c_peripheral_saul_temperature module and i2c_peripheral_saul_humidty module that would set up their handler function and address without the need for any coordination between those two. If there only is a single callback function, this would have to dispatch the handling to the correct callback function of the modules.

Note that no dynamic memory management is required to implement a callback API. A statically allocated array for the registration state would be fully sufficient. If the hardware doesn't limit the number of addresses anyway, something like


would be sufficient.

An alternative would be to directly pass an array of addresses and corresponding handler functions during driver initialization. By using XFA to populate that array, again no coordination would be needed across modules implementing I2C peripheral interfaces. And the application developer would not be required to count I2C peripheral modules to provide an CONFIG_I2C_MAX_PERIPHERAL_ADDRESS. Anther advantage would be that error handling (e.g. when more I2C peripheral addresses are needed than the hardware supports) would only be needed in once place, rather than in every module implementing an I2C peripheral interface.

citorva commented 1 year ago

I don't know what XFA means in this context. By rapidly searching the term on the internet, I find Xml Form Architecture, which I don't think that it is. Can you explain XFA?

maribu commented 1 year ago

XFA stands for cross file arrays, see for the documentation of it.

It basically allows each C file to add elements to a array. The linker will then collect all array elements, sort them alphabetically, and place them in contiguous memory. At runtime you can query the length of an XFA with XFA_LEN().

In practice, it could look like this:

typdef struct {
    void (*rx_callback)(uint16_t addr, const void *data, size_t data_len, void *ctx);
    size_t (*tx_callback)(void *buf, size_t buf_size, void *ctx);
    void *ctx;
    uint16_t addr;
} i2c_peripheral_handler_t;

and in a module implementing a peripheral I2C interface:

static void i2c_temp_rx_callback(uint16_t addr, const void *data, size_t data_len, void *ctx)
    /* prepare sensor values for tx and queue them ... */

/* extend statically allocated array of I2C peripheral interfaces */
XFA(xfa_i2c_peripheral_handlers, 0) i2c_peripheral_handler_t _xfa_i2c_peripheral_handler_temperature = {
    .rx_callback = i2c_temp_rx_callback,
    .ctx = temperature_sensor_handle,
    .addr = 0x42

And in periph_init the driver would be initialized using:

    XFA_USE(i2c_peripheral_handler_t, xfa_i2c_peripheral_handlers);
    i2c_peripheral_init(I2C_DEV(0), xfa_i2c_peripheral_handlers, XFA_LEN(xfa_i2c_peripheral_handlers));

Note that above is not full picture, as it would only work with one I2C bus (but at least in principle this should allow presenting I2C peripheral on multiple I2C busses). But I hope it is concrete enough to explain the idea.

citorva commented 1 year ago

Sounds interesting. However, because it appears to add complexity, I think that it is also important to handle XFA in the common code. Consequently, I think that I need to define two levels of the API: