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Microchip vendor files migration process #20457

Open dylad opened 3 months ago

dylad commented 3 months ago

It is time again to upgrade our Microchip vendor files for our supported SAM0 devices. Unfortunately this time, things will be a little bit more trickier than before as Microchip decided to rework their vendor files:

So why should we do it ? Because bug fixes, new silicon version added, but above all, to be able to add support for new families of microcontrollers from Microchip.

Migration plan:

I am well aware, this will add significant amount of work but IMO, this is the price to pay to keep PR size reasonable. This will also prevent issue for people maintaining boards outside of the tree through EXTERNAL_BOARD_DIRS

For those curious about the changes, you will find all Microchip atpack here

Download the archive of any supported family, and compare the content of the include/ folder against cpu/sam0_common/include/vendor/XXXX

Obviously, all of this is debatable, and I'll take all ideas to reduce this burden.

dylad commented 1 month ago

After some thoughts, here is my proposal regarding this migration:

dylad commented 1 month ago

Regarding step 2 & 3: These are mandatory because of the way Microchip build their new vendor files. Currently when the bitfield inside a register is more than 1 bit. We have


This is the same AFAICT on new vendor files. However, there is a difference when the bitfield is only one bit wide. For example RTC_CTRLA_ENABLE (current header we have) is now spelledRTC_CTRLA_ENABLE_Msk on new vendor. On new vendor files, Microchip decided to unify the use of _Msk for every bitfields.

This is why I propose to introduce a new header, which will be generated though a script. The idea will be to parsed the current headers, look for both FOO_BAR_Pos and FOO_BAR_Msk. If both exist, we're good. If only _Pos exists, then generated a _Msk so we can match the behavior of the new vendor files. Of course, this header will be dropped at the end of the migration process during the cleanup.

dylad commented 1 month ago

About the wrapper, I was thinking about something like

  #define REG(dev, offset) ((dev)->dev##_##offset)
  #define REG(dev, offset) ((dev)->offset.reg)

On new header, Microchip slightly change the new of every registers inside a peripheral. For instance RTC->CTRLA.reg (current header) should be use as RTC->RTC_CTRLA (on new header). With the proposed macro, it will be REG(RTC, CTRLA)

I think such macro will allow us to avoid some pain.

kfessel commented 4 weeks ago

Microchip is right in their decision to drop bitfields that is to much comfort. Changing bits should be a pain in the rear end with macros all over place.

The only positive thing about bitfield removal is that this might make more people aware that changing a bit often is a register read modify write ( and since they a usually marked volatile each bit modification has their own). But for that they would not need to also drop the structures just the mapping to addresses.

dylad commented 4 weeks ago

Changing bits should be a pain in the rear end with macros all over place.

Hopefully, all those macros will be there for a given time. This way, users will have time to adapt their out of the tree code. However, I am planning on cleaning up everything (and thus remove all macros) after one or two releases. So yeah, it will take time but in the end, it will look "as before".

kfessel commented 4 weeks ago

maybe they just want to kill of c development by droping the wins of 15 year and go back to 1990s C

dylad commented 4 weeks ago

maybe they just want to kill of c development by droping the wins of 15 year and go back to 1990s C

I think, this is related to their recent migration to MPLABX and their will to unify SAM0 to PIC32. I've complained to them (through a ticket) about this. Especially doing this WITHOUT deprecation notice. They acknowledge the issue but they were like "it is what it is"

kfessel commented 4 weeks ago

sounds little like they dislike their customers