RIOT - The friendly OS for IoT
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
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help me to install RIOT in Arduino UNO #7109

Closed sravan7 closed 7 years ago

miri64 commented 7 years ago

Have you seen

miri64 commented 7 years ago

(just set the BOARD environment variable to arduino-uno)

sravan7 commented 7 years ago

@miri64 yes I read quick start guide, but i can't able to do it. What I did ?

  1. I cloned Riot to my ubuntu using Terminal
  2. After that I tried lot but i can't able to install Riot to Arduino Uno ,

Can you please help me step by step through screen shots or theough Video. Anyway Thank you.

sravan7 commented 7 years ago

And I tried $ make BOARD = Arduino - uno result : No Bash , some thing is coming

PeterKietzmann commented 7 years ago

you tried "BOARD=arduino-uno make"?

PeterKietzmann commented 7 years ago

... with a small a and without white spaces... Furthermore, 'make' will only build the program, 'flash' will write the binary to your board and 'term' will open a serial connection to you can see the STDOUT in a terminal. You can simply do everything in one step copy-pasting the following line: BOARD=arduino-uno make all flash term

kYc0o commented 7 years ago

BTW @PeterKietzmann 's example command will only work on RIOT/examples/hello-world. Since the UNO board has only 2K of RAM, other examples may not fit into this amount of memory. What is worse, the compiler/linker won't throw any warning or error about memory overflowing.

miri64 commented 7 years ago

@kYc0o that might have been a little confusing. This also works with the applications in the Tutorial repository, but the memory constraint still holds.

sravan7 commented 7 years ago

No I tried all, didn't worked. Please help me from beginning to install RIOT into Arduino-Uno.

miri64 commented 7 years ago

Sorry, but unless you show us your problem, we can really help you. A start could be, if you might provide us with a dump of your terminal output (in most OSs you can just mark and copy it) from all the steps you have done so far.

PeterKietzmann commented 7 years ago

Please provide a dump of your terminal output (simply copy paste the text from you terminal where you typed the command BOARD=...)

PeterKietzmann commented 7 years ago

whoops, didn't refresh the window...

sravan7 commented 7 years ago

@PeterKietzmann @miri64 @kYc0o

sravan@sravan:~/RIOT$ cd example/default/
bash: cd: example/default/: No such file or directory
sravan@sravan:~/RIOT$ cd examples
sravan@sravan:~/RIOT/examples$ ls
arduino_hello-world  dtls-echo           gnrc_minimal     ipc_pingpong      posix_sockets
bindist              emcute              gnrc_networking  javascript        riot_and_cpp
ccn-lite-relay       gcoap               gnrc_tftp        microcoap_server  saul
default              gnrc_border_router  hello-world      nanocoap_server   timer_periodic_wakeup
sravan@sravan:~/RIOT/examples$ cd arduino_hello-world
sravan@sravan:~/RIOT/examples/arduino_hello-world$ ls
hello-world.sketch  Makefile
sravan@sravan:~/RIOT/examples/arduino_hello-world$ make all term
There are unsatisfied feature requirements: arduino


Building application "arduino_hello-world" for "native" with MCU "native".

In file included from /usr/include/limits.h:25:0,
                 from /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/5/include-fixed/limits.h:168,
                 from /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/5/include-fixed/syslimits.h:7,
                 from /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/5/include-fixed/limits.h:34,
                 from /home/sravan/RIOT/drivers/include/periph/gpio.h:56,
                 from /home/sravan/RIOT/sys/arduino/include/arduino.hpp:25,
                 from /home/sravan/RIOT/examples/arduino_hello-world/_sketches.cpp:1:
/usr/include/features.h:367:25: fatal error: sys/cdefs.h: No such file or directory
compilation terminated.
/home/sravan/RIOT/Makefile.base:87: recipe for target '/home/sravan/RIOT/examples/arduino_hello-world/bin/native/arduino_hello-world/_sketches.o' failed
make[1]: *** [/home/sravan/RIOT/examples/arduino_hello-world/bin/native/arduino_hello-world/_sketches.o] Error 1
/home/sravan/RIOT/examples/arduino_hello-world/../../Makefile.include:297: recipe for target 'all' failed
make: *** [all] Error 2
sravan@sravan:~/RIOT/examples/arduino_hello-world$ cd ..
sravan@sravan:~/RIOT/examples$ cd ..
sravan@sravan:~/RIOT$ BOARD=aduino-uno make all flash term
Welcome to RIOT - The friendly OS for IoT!

You executed 'make' from the base directory.
You should run 'make' in your application's directory instead.

Please see our Quick Start Guide at:
Or ask questions on our mailing list: (

Makefile:6: recipe for target 'all' failed
make: *** [all] Error 1
![screenshot from 2017-05-31 15-12-35](

screenshot from 2017-05-31 03-29-58

miri64 commented 7 years ago

(took it upon me to fix your markdown)

miri64 commented 7 years ago

First of all, please make sure you installed all required dependencies:

For Arduino:

sudo apt-get install avr-libc gcc-avr avrdude

For native (i.e. run RIOT as a native Linux process):

sudo apt-get install multilib-gcc

You've typed make all term, not BOARD=arduino-uno make all flash term for examples/arduino_hello-world. Then you go to the root directory (which does not contain an application) and try to flash from there. Please go back to the examples/arduino_hello-world and type BOARD=arduino-uno make all flash term.

sravan7 commented 7 years ago

yeah.....! It's working. I wonder that's all installing RIOT in arduino - uno is over ?. BOARD = arduino-uno make all flash term only one commnad. RIOT is for IOT where does COAP, LORAWAN , how to make use of them

jnohlgard commented 7 years ago

This discussion should be moved to the riot-users mailing list, it is not about a bug or issue in RIOT.

miri64 commented 7 years ago

yeah.....! It's working. I wonder that's all installing RIOT in arduino - uno is over ?. BOARD = arduino-uno make all flash term only one commnad. RIOT is for IOT where does COAP, LORAWAN , how to make use of them

RIOT is the operating system. Network protocols you can add by adding modules. Please read the documentation on that. For LoRaWAN you need a special radio (see #6797) and I think there isn't enough space on an arduino uno for CoAP. If you want to try regardles, try one of the applications examples/gcoap, examples/microcoap_server, or examples/nanocoap_server. Each examplifies a different implementation of CoAP. Maybe one fits (not that you need to create your own application regardless if you still want to use the arduino libs).

This discussion should be moved to the riot-users mailing list, it is not about a bug or issue in RIOT.

@gebart is right. This kind of discussion usually belongs to the users mailing list. Would you be so kind to continue discussing this there, please?

kaspar030 commented 7 years ago

I think there isn't enough space on an arduino uno for CoAP.

Challenge accepted! ;)

PeterKietzmann commented 7 years ago

I see this issue as solved -> closing.