RIOT-OS / Release-Specs

Specification for RIOT releases and corresponding test configurations
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02-tests/task 01 Release 2016.07 - RC1 #22

Closed BytesGalore closed 8 years ago

BytesGalore commented 8 years ago

Task # 01

Execute all tests on native and check their output:

list made manually performing:

ls -1a | sed  -e 's/^/- [ ] /'

in RIOT/tests

BytesGalore commented 8 years ago

feel free to edit the list :)

kYc0o commented 8 years ago

Great! Thanks @BytesGalore @miri64 any hints on emb6 and lwip errors?

miri64 commented 8 years ago

@BytesGalore @kYc0o can not reproduce, sadly :(

BytesGalore commented 8 years ago

@kYc0o @miri64 emb6 sets the samr21-xpro board as default [1]. using:

BOARD=native make

results in the expected behaviour, i.e. unsatisfied requirements and build fail [1]

miri64 commented 8 years ago

The reason this application sets it as a default is because there is no native support for it.

miri64 commented 8 years ago

(emb6 only has IEEE 802.15.4 support so porting it for native wouldn't make much sense anyway, at least until is merged)

miri64 commented 8 years ago

((also also: needs to be solved, so auto-init also works for non GNRC-stacks))

BytesGalore commented 8 years ago

@miri64 yup I expected it to not compile and run but I expected a specific behaviour, i.e. failing with an unsatisfied requirements warning.

Similar applies for lwip the iotlab-m3 board is set when BOARD is not provided [1]. using:

BOARD=native make

results in a successful build and allows to start the compiled test-application (though untested yet)


kYc0o commented 8 years ago

So what's the conclusion on this? Can we say that the test ran successfully?

BytesGalore commented 8 years ago

@kYc0o don't know, I guess lwip is not supposed to run on native but it successfully builds and the test-application can be started. Beside this uncertainty I would say the test ran successfully.

btw. Since we have no release branch yet, I performed the tests on:

kYc0o commented 8 years ago

Ok great. Yes that was the last commit before I started the tests too.

miri64 commented 8 years ago

lwIP is supposed to run on native! So if it runs what is the problem? :/

BytesGalore commented 8 years ago

@miri64 if its supposed to run on native I propose that we change the default set BOARD accordingly.

So if it runs what is the problem?

When I start it on native ifconfig states:

ET_00:  inet6 fe80::d8c3:d5ff:fe46:7582

but sending some packet fails:

> udp send 2001::1 8080 1
udp send 2001::1 8080 1
could not send
> ip send 2001::1 inet6 10
ip send 2001::1 inet6 10
could not send

probably I just failed to use it properly.

BytesGalore commented 8 years ago

ok, I failed :blush:

> udp send fe80::1 8080 1
udp send fe80::1 8080 1
Success: send 1 byte to [fe80::1]:8080)
> ip send fe80::1 inet6 1
ip send fe80::1 inet6 1
Success: send 1 byte to fe80::1 (next header: 0)
miri64 commented 8 years ago


BytesGalore commented 8 years ago

I propose to change the default BOARD to native for lwip