RIOT-OS / Release-Specs

Specification for RIOT releases and corresponding test configurations
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Automate spec08 task03 contiki interop tests #292

Closed MrKevinWeiss closed 11 months ago

MrKevinWeiss commented 11 months ago

This is based off the work @jia200x did.

Still a WIP but here are the issues I have found so far.

NETOPT_TX_END_IRQ not implemented by driver
main(): This is RIOT! (Version: 2024.01-devel-11-g354e1-2023.10-branch)
RIOT network stack example application
All up, running the shell now
> NETOPT_TX_END_IRQ not implemented by driver
main(): This is RIOT! (Ve

> ifconfig
Iface  6  HWaddr: 2A:E9  Channel: 26  NID: 0x23  PHY: O-QPSK 
          Long HWaddr: DA:A0:4C:0F:6D:85:2A:E9 
           State: IDLE 
          ACK_REQ  L2-PDU:102  MTU:1280  HL:64  RTR  
          RTR_ADV  6LO  IPHC  
          Source address length: 8
          Link type: wireless
          inet6 addr: fe80::d8a0:4c0f:6d85:2ae9  scope: link  VAL
          inet6 group: ff02::2
          inet6 group: ff02::1
          inet6 group: ff02::1:ff85:2ae9
          inet6 group: ff02::1a

          Statistics for Layer 2
            RX packets 0  bytes 0
            TX packets 5 (Multicast: 5)  bytes 0
            TX succeeded 4 errors 0
          Statistics for IPv6
            RX packets 0  bytes 0
            TX packets 4 (Multicast: 4)  bytes 242
            TX succeeded 4 errors 0

> ssh -t 'socat -' 
[INFO: Main      ] Starting Contiki-NG-develop/v4.9-407-g1707d485d-dirty
[INFO: Main      ] - Routing: RPL Lite
[INFO: Main      ] - Net: sicslowpan
[INFO: Main      ] - MAC: CSMA
[INFO: Main      ] - 802.15.4 PANID: 0xabcd
[INFO: Main      ] - 802.15.4 De
#f4ce.36c3.4db0.1d35> ip-addr
Node IPv6 addresses:
-- fe80::f6ce:36c3:4db0:1d35
#f4ce.36c3.4db0.1d35> ifconfig 6 set pan_id abcd
ifconfig 6 set pan_id abcd
success: set network identifier on interface 6 to 0xabcd
> ping fe80::d8a0:4c0f:6d85:2ae9
Pinging fe80::d8a0:4c0f:6d85:2ae9
Received ping reply from fe80::d8a0:4c0f:6d85:2ae9, len 4, ttl 64, delay 46 ms
#f4ce.36c3.4db0.1d35> PING START ================
ping fe80::f6ce:36c3:4db0:1d35
ping fe80::f6ce:36c3:4db0:1d35
12 bytes from fe80::f6ce:36c3:4db0:1d35%6: icmp_seq=0 ttl=64 rssi=56 dBm time=45.523 ms
12 bytes from fe80::f6ce:36c3:4db0:1d35%6: icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 rssi=56 dBm time=22.077 ms
12 bytes from fe80::f6ce:36c3:4db0:1d35%6: icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 rssi=56 dBm time=5.378 ms

--- fe80::f6ce:36c3:4db0:1d35 PING statistics ---
3 packets transmitted, 3 packets received, 0% packet loss
round-trip min/avg/max = 5.378/24.326/45.523 ms
> #f4ce.36c3.4db0.1d35 -c 3 -i 1 -s 12 -W 1000
#f4ce.36c3.4db0.1d35 -c 3 -i 1 -s 12 -W 1000
shell: command not found: #f4ce.36c3.4db0.1d35

This is a quick (not really that quick) and dirty way and I would appreciate suggestions on how to clean it up.

MrKevinWeiss commented 11 months ago

Ok, local tests worked and the static tests are happy. Anyone else have feedback?

MrKevinWeiss commented 11 months ago

I just removed some unneeded copy pasta flags in the docker command in the contiki script

MrKevinWeiss commented 11 months ago
