RIP-Comm / sossoldi

"Sossoldi" is a wealth management / personal finance / Net Worth tracking app, made with Flutter.
MIT License
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onboarding and minor layout fixes #162

Closed fres-sudo closed 2 months ago

fres-sudo commented 3 months ago

the minor layout fixes regards:

theperu commented 3 months ago

Nice work! Most of the things look good to me, I just noticed a couple of issue that need to be fixed before merging:

  1. When I close and reopen the app I see the onboarding again. Once the user completes the Onboarding the first time they should skip to the dashboard.
  2. When I add the main account I can only input a number without the decimal points (Ex. I can add 3000 but not 3000.01)

Here is a video:

fres-sudo commented 3 months ago

Damn, I implement the one-time onboarding feature but for testing purpouse i commented it. The idea was to uncomment it but i just forgot before committing >.<. As you can see in main.dart at line 47/48 ther's the correct line and a TODO that explains everythings.

For the decimal point i'll take a look and see what i can do.
