RIP-Comm / sossoldi

"Sossoldi" is a wealth management / personal finance / Net Worth tracking app, made with Flutter.
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CategoryTransactionType for CategoryTransaction model, Charts in GraphsPage and various bugfixes and improvements #166

Open napitek opened 2 months ago

napitek commented 2 months ago


This PR can be divided into two main points:


The BarChart is not quite as functional as I would like. i put it in and you can click on the bars to change the month and update the category data. I wasn't too convinced about being able to change the month at the bottom versus the data updating at the top. In the future we could integrate the month_selector.

napitek commented 2 months ago

Hi @theperu. Yes I just looked and I noticed what you say. I'll fix it and commit it. Although as said before, that graph needs to be reviewed and discussed for a moment.

napitek commented 2 months ago

the GraphsPage needs a month_selector, which cannot be exclusively the final chart. Since one already exists, I would put that in for now.

napitek commented 1 month ago

I finally found the time to look at your changes. I notice another two things that might need an improvement. If a category as no transaction in the current month I see NaN instead of 0, when this happens I also see the bars for the previous months to 0 even if there are transactions on it. You can easily reproduce this by having only one income category with multiple transactions in the previous months but not in the current one

I didn't notice this bug. I'll take care of it in these days

EDIT: Also the month bars are all the same height in each month

The bars are all the same because the graph does not yet calculate the "average". I don't think there is even a method in general that does that (maybe I'm wrong and haven't seen it). It will have to be implemented.