RIPE-NCC / whois

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can yacc.linux & yacc.macosx be replaced? #104

Closed job closed 10 years ago

job commented 10 years ago

I'm trying to get the whois server running through but it fails because yacc.linux somehow is not able to run on 64-bit machines.

Where did yacc.linux and yacc.macosx come from? Isnt there a way to rely on a yacc that can easily be installed on macosx and linux instead of shipping a binary in the git repository?

kakooch commented 10 years ago

AFAIK, it is the code from, I am sure it is possible to change that, but for now changing whois-client/src/main/resources/bin/generateByaccs to care for 64 bit and to use right binary should solve the issue. The 64 bit binary is also available as RPM.

job commented 10 years ago

I don't think it's that byacc code:

binary that ships through git:

Eleanor:bin job$ pwd
Eleanor:bin job$ ./yacc.macosx --help
 ./yacc.macosx [-dlrtvj] [-b file_prefix] [-Joption] filename
  where -Joption is one or more of:
   -Jvalue=valueClassName (avoids automatic value class creation)
   -Jstack=SIZE   (default 500)
   -Jnodebug (omits debugging code for better performance)
   -Jfinal (makes generated class final)
   -Jthrows (declares thrown exceptions for yyparse() method)


Eleanor:byacc-20130925 job$ ./yacc --help
Usage: ./yacc [options] filename

  -b file_prefix        set filename prefix (default "y.")
  -d                    write definitions (
  -i                    write interface (
  -g                    write a graphical description
  -l                    suppress #line directives
  -o output_file        (default "")
  -p symbol_prefix      set symbol prefix (default "yy")
  -P                    create a reentrant parser, e.g., "%pure-parser"
  -r                    produce separate code and table files (y.code.c)
  -s                    suppress #define's for quoted names in %token lines
  -t                    add debugging support
  -v                    write description (y.output)
  -V                    show version information and exit
job commented 10 years ago

OK, seems what is included is the byacc/java edition, from somewhere in 1999 :-)

Maybe we can depend on a more recent or easier to install yacc compiler which can be installed through either homebrew or apt-get or rpm/yum ?

job commented 10 years ago

I'm working on something that will be useful. Please stand by ;-)

job commented 10 years ago

We can continue conversation in Pull request #105