RITRedteam / StreetCred

Tool created for Red Team to test default credentials on SSH and WinRM and then execute scripts with those credentials before the password can be changed by Blue Team.
MIT License
13 stars 3 forks source link

Thread Pool #8

Open mav8557 opened 2 years ago

mav8557 commented 2 years ago

Right now three goroutines are spawned per user, per box. This is a lot and will get slow with a large network.

A thread pool architecture can help. A certain number of threads, passed as configuration, are spawned at the beginning, and pull Jobs from the same channel. Each Job represents a connection attempt against a particular box, including the Username, IP, and protocol (SSH, SMB, winrm, etc).

mav8557 commented 1 year ago

Following up a year later while cleaning this up - an Async implementation would probably work for this also, and likely better. It's a good first tool facelift project, implementing both of these and testing to see which is truly fastest in practice.