RITlug / tasks

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Planning for 2171 club fair (Saturday, August 28th, 2017) #9

Closed jwflory closed 7 years ago

jwflory commented 7 years ago


The RIT club fair is coming up – RITlug has a table, and we need to plan out who will be there, when they will be there, and maybe any strategy that we want to try different for this year

Raw details

Who's going to be there



Okay, so this is coming up super fast! This is probably one of our highest priority tickets. I know @Serubin and @TaylorBowling have already said they will not be available on these dates, so I've tentatively assigned it to me, @axk4545, and @fosspotato until someone tells me otherwise. 😁

One of the biggest priorities is that we need to figure out inventory. I remember there was a hand-off on our poster between @wilfriedE and @Serubin, but I lost track of what happened with this and where our poster is. @Serubin also has the Eboard t-shirts, but I forgot how many of them. Other than that, I'd like to try to have two laptops / monitors at the club fair for us to put up our website and maybe have a TigerOS demo running, if that is possible. Also, a tablecloth of any kind would be nice to have this year, since last year, we winged it at the last minute.

@schneidy also has shared that he might have some content we can share or talk about with regards to the FOSS program, which I would love to do. I'm tagging him here so he can hopefully clarify on anything that he can pass along that we can share. 😄

I also want to put a call out to any RITlug members who happen to be in Rochester that they can help out and volunteer with this. I wouldn't say no to anyone wanting to spend a little bit of time table-sitting with us and saying hello to all of the freshman. Even if it's just 30 minutes, it would be super nice to have so that way people can take lunch / bathroom breaks without doing a mad dash back.


This is a long issue. So here's a checklist. I like checklists.

I might have missed something, but we can amend this later.

axk4545 commented 7 years ago

@RITlug/eboard-2017-2018 I have a 1280x1024 vga monitor that we can use and a chromebook that can be one of the laptops.

jwflory commented 7 years ago

@axk4545 If you could commit those for the club fair, that would be awesome. What's running on the Chromebook right now?

axk4545 commented 7 years ago

@jflory7 ChromeOS but it can run any x86 linux we want. It has 2GB RAM.

jwflory commented 7 years ago

@axk4545 Do you think a Cinnamon install would keep up? It would be cool to do Fedora Cinnamon or Mint, if you think it could cope with that. Ideally, just any kind of Linux would be nice, where people can open a browser or a terminal and poke around.

axk4545 commented 7 years ago

@jflory7 it can run TigerOS so yes.

jwflory commented 7 years ago

@axk4545 Awesome. Then if you can work on getting a TigerOS install running on that before the club fair, that would be super cool. It would make for a good talking point at the table too if we had that running. 😄

axk4545 commented 7 years ago

@jflory7 will try to get TigerOS cleaned up to do that. Buggest thing is F26 move and hopefully fixing that silly autostart.

Tjzabel commented 7 years ago

@axk4545 I thought we fixed the autostart??

axk4545 commented 7 years ago

@Tjzabel Well we kinda did... it still tries to run on the live CD AFAIK

wilfriedE commented 7 years ago

@jflory7 I gave the RITLUG poster to @Serubin. I think that was the only thing?

Serubin commented 7 years ago

@jflory7 @wilfriedE It's with @TaylorBowling

jwflory commented 7 years ago

@Serubin How many t-shirts do we have? Do you want to ship them to my home address in Georgia so I can bring them with me to ROC?

jwflory commented 7 years ago

Sorry for the double-comment, but @TaylorBowling, will you be able to get the poster to someone before Aug. 28th?

jwflory commented 7 years ago

So, this did indeed happen, and it went well. Sorry for the delayed follow-up here. I don't have much to add, but a quick overview of things that went well and things that could have been better:

