RIVeR-Lab / epos_hardware

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epos_hardware list_devices throws Bad Parameter errors for port names and interface names #30

Open ahkub opened 11 months ago

ahkub commented 11 months ago

Hi, I'm running ROS Noetic on Ubuntu 20.04.6 LTS. I git cloned https://github.com/RIVeR-Lab/epos_hardware.git. Then I fixed hardware.h, as described in "error: ‘scoped_ptr’ in namespace ‘boost’ does not name a template type #7" in the Issues section. Then I ran catkin_make. I did the sourcing "source devel/setup.bash". "lsusb" shows my FTDI USB-to-COM adapter "dmesg | grep FTDI" shows the adapter, too I fixed the USB permission issue, as described here "https://answers.ros.org/question/216315/help-using-epos_hardware/ " Now: when I run "rosrun epos_hardware list_devices", I see this:

Listing Devices: EPOS2 MAXON SERIAL V2 USB Could not get port names: Bad Parameter MAXON_RS232 RS232 Skipping RS232 CANopen Could not get interface names: Bad Parameter EPOS MAXON_RS232 RS232 Skipping RS232 CANopen Could not get interface names: Bad Parameter

I have spent hours on trying to solve this. Would anyone have a good idea how to fix this issue? Much appreciated.