RJDennis / SolveDSGE.jl

A Julia package to solve, simulate, and analyze nonlinear DSGE models.
MIT License
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Useful example for the readme: comparison w/ closed form for deterministic NCGM #38

Closed azev77 closed 3 years ago

azev77 commented 3 years ago
using SolveDSGE, Plots;

# write .txt model in Julia
# deterministic Neoclassical Growth Model 
open("Det_NCGM.txt", "w") do io
    println(io,"# ncgm\n")
    println(io,"states:\nk \nend\n")
    println(io,"jumps:\nc \nend\n")
    println(io,"parameters:\nβ=0.99, σ=1.0, δ=1.0, α=.3 \nend\n")
    println(io,"k(+1) = (1-δ)*k + k^α - c")
    println(io,"(c(+1))^σ = β*(c^σ)*(1-δ + α*(k(+1)^(α-1.0)) )")

path = joinpath(@__DIR__,"Det_NCGM.txt")
dsge = retrieve_processed_model(path)
x = ones(dsge.number_variables)  #Guess ["k", "c"]
tol = 1e-8; maxiters = 1_000; #Int(1e+3);
ss = compute_steady_state(dsge,x,tol,maxiters) # wrong ss

kss=(((1/.99) + 1 -1)/.3)^(1/(.3-1.0))
css = kss^.3 - kss
ss = [kss, css]
ss = [kss, css]

# Perturbation, Order = 1,2,3
cutoff = 1.0; # Perturbation HP 
N   = PerturbationScheme(ss,cutoff,"first")
NN  = PerturbationScheme(ss,cutoff,"second")
NNN = PerturbationScheme(ss,cutoff,"third")

soln_fo = solve_model(dsge,N)
soln_so = solve_model(dsge,NN)
soln_to = solve_model(dsge,NNN)

# Projection, ChebyshevSchemeDet # not working...

# Analysis 
T = 100; # num Sim pds 
sss = ss[1:dsge.number_states]; #ss for states only 

sim_d1 = simulate(soln_fo, sss*.8, T)
sim_d2 = simulate(soln_so, sss*.8, T)
sim_d3 = simulate(soln_to, sss*.8, T)
# Closed Form Sol 
k_cf    = zeros(T+1) 
k_cf[1] = sss[1]*.8
c_cf    = zeros(T)
for t in 1:T
    k_cf[t+1] = (.3*.99) * (k_cf[t]^.3)  #k(+1) = (.3*.99) * (k^.3)
    c_cf[t]   = (1-.3*.99) * (k_cf[t]^.3) #c     = (1-.3*.99) * (k^.3)

p1 = plot()
plot!(k_cf[2:T+1] , lab="k_t closed form")
plot!(c_cf        , lab="c_t closed form")
plot!(1:T, sim_d1')
plot!(1:T, sim_d2')
plot!(1:T, sim_d3')

sim_d1 = simulate(soln_fo, sss*1.2, T)
sim_d2 = simulate(soln_so, sss*1.2, T)
sim_d3 = simulate(soln_to, sss*1.2, T)
k_cf    = zeros(T+1)
k_cf[1] = sss[1]*1.2
c_cf    = zeros(T)
for t in 1:T
    k_cf[t+1] = (.3*.99) * (k_cf[t]^.3)
    c_cf[t]   = (1-.3*.99) * (k_cf[t]^.3)
p1 = plot()
plot!(k_cf[2:T+1] , lab="k_t closed form")
plot!(c_cf        , lab="c_t closed form")
plot!(1:T, sim_d1')
plot!(1:T, sim_d2')
plot!(1:T, sim_d3')

Start 20% below ss: image Start 20% above ss: image

A few issues:

  1. compute_steady_state() gives the wrong steady state, so I used the closed form here
  2. the projection methods don't seem to work for this problem, not sure why,,,
  3. At some point it would be great if we could automatically plot the policy fcns (then I can compare w/ sol from vfi etc)
RJDennis commented 3 years ago

I didn't have a problem with solving the model using Chebyshev polynomials or with the labeling issue in the plots (your second and third issues). See the code below. Regarding the steady state, your right that the starting values you used didn't produce the correct steady state. It may be the the max-iteration limit was reached in which case I can have the function issue a warning. This is something I always planned to do, but never got around to.

ngm = retrieve_processed_model(processed_path)

tol = 1e-8
maxiters = 1000
x = [0.2,0.4]
ss = compute_steady_state(ngm, x, tol, maxiters)

cutoff = 1.0
N   = PerturbationScheme(ss,cutoff,"first")
NN  = PerturbationScheme(ss,cutoff,"second")
NNN = PerturbationScheme(ss,cutoff,"third")

soln_fo = solve_model(ngm, N)
soln_so = solve_model(ngm, NN)
soln_to = solve_model(ngm, NNN)

P = ChebyshevSchemeDet(ss,chebyshev_nodes,[21],6,[0.22; 0.13],tol,1e-6,maxiters)

soln_nla = solve_model(ngm,P)
soln_nlb = solve_model(ngm,soln_to,P)

T = 100 # num Sim pds 

sss = ss[1:ngm.number_states] #ss for states only 

sim_d1   = simulate(soln_fo, sss*.8, T)
sim_d2   = simulate(soln_so, sss*.8, T)
sim_d3   = simulate(soln_to, sss*.8, T)
sim_proj = simulate(soln_nla, sss*.8, T)

using Plots

p1 = plot(1:T,sim_d1',title = "First Order Pert.",labels   = reshape(ngm.variables,1,ngm.number_variables))
p2 = plot(1:T,sim_d2',title = "Second Order Pert.",labels   = reshape(ngm.variables,1,ngm.number_variables))
p3 = plot(1:T,sim_d3',title = "Third Order Pert.",labels   = reshape(ngm.variables,1,ngm.number_variables))
p4 = plot(1:T,sim_proj',title = "Proj. (Chebyshev poly)",labels = reshape(ngm.variables,1,ngm.number_variables))

azev77 commented 3 years ago

Thanks. My third issue was about being able to automatically plot the policy function given by each solution.

Example for the first order perturbation:

#closed form for capital
p_cf(x) = (α*β) * (x^α)

# x(t+1) = hx*x(t)          # First Order 
p_fo(x; soln=soln_fo) = soln.hx[1] * (x-soln.hbar[1]) + soln.hbar[1]

plot!(0.01:.01:2*kss, p_cf, lab="Closed form")
plot!(0.01:.01:2*kss, p_fo, lab="Pert 1st")


RJDennis commented 3 years ago

I misunderstood. From the figures you showed I thought the problem was with the labelling. I suppose what you have in mind is plotting specific slices through the policy function, allowing one state variale to vary at a time. I can produce a function that will return the values for the decision variables for any given state which may help with what you want, but I don't want to make any plotting package a dependency.

azev77 commented 3 years ago

Sorry I wasn't clear, I just plotted what I meant in my comment above.

My question wasn't about plotting per-se. (I agree it's a bad idea to add dependencies.) It was about automatically returning the policy function to the user. The way I manually created: p_fo(x; soln=soln_fo) = soln.hx[1] * (x-soln.hbar[1]) + soln.hbar[1]

You prob can re-use the policy function later in your package when simulating etc

azev77 commented 3 years ago

This can show off the potential benefits of global vs local methods. A simple example can easily illustrate what kinds of method are less/more accurate far away from the steady state etc.. (might also be used as a good starting point for vfi/pfi methods etc)

# closed form for capital: k_{t+1} = f(k_t)
p_cf(x) = (α*β) * (x^α)

# x(t+1) = hx*x(t)          #+ k*v(t+1)
#   y(t) = gx*x(t)
# x(t+1) - xss = hx*(x(t) - xss)          
p_fo(x; s=soln_fo) = s.hx[1] * (x-s.hbar[1]) + s.hbar[1]

#using LinearAlgebra
# x(t+1) = hx*x(t) + (1/2)*[kron(I,x(t))]'hxx*[kron(I,x(t))]
function p_so(x; s=soln_so)
    nx = length(s.hbar)
    hxx = Matrix(reshape(s.hxx',nx*nx,nx)')
    a1 = s.hx*(x-s.hbar[1])
    a2 = s.hx*(0.) + (1/2)*hxx*kron(x-s.hbar[1],x-s.hbar[1])
    a3 = a1 + a2 + s.hbar  
    return a3[1]  

# ChebyshevSolutionDet
using ChebyshevApprox
function p_ch(x; soln=soln_cha)
    w = chebyshev_weights_threaded(soln.variables[1],soln.nodes,soln.order,soln.domain)
    return chebyshev_evaluate(w,[x],soln.order,soln.domain)  

function p_chc(x; soln=soln_chc)
    w = chebyshev_weights_threaded(soln.variables[1],soln.nodes,soln.order,soln.domain)
    return chebyshev_evaluate(w,[x],soln.order,soln.domain)  

plot!(0.01:.01:2*kss, p_cf, lab="Closed form")
plot!(0.01:.01:2*kss, p_fo, lab="Pert 1st")
plot!(0.01:.01:2*kss, p_so, lab="Pert 2nd")
plot!(0.01:.01:2*kss, p_ch, lab="Proj Cheby")
plot!(0.01:.01:2*kss, p_chc,lab="Proj Cheby")
RJDennis commented 3 years ago

I assume you have set the domain you used for the Chebyshev polynomials appropriately.

azev77 commented 3 years ago

Here's what I did:

using SolveDSGE, Plots;

# deterministic Neoclassical Growth Model 
open("Det_NCGM.txt", "w") do io
    println(io,"# ncgm\n")
    println(io,"states:\nk \nend\n")
    println(io,"jumps:\nc \nend\n")
    println(io,"parameters:\nβ=0.99, σ=1.0, δ=1.0, α=.3 \nend\n")
    println(io,"k(+1) = (1-δ)*k + k^α - c")
    println(io,"(c(+1))^σ = β*(c^σ)*(1-δ + α*(k(+1)^(α-1.0)) )")

path = joinpath(@__DIR__,"Det_NCGM.txt")
ngm = retrieve_processed_model(path)

# Steady State 
tol = 1e-8
maxiters = 1000
x = [0.25,0.25] 
#x = [0.,0.] Error. 
#x = [0.5,0.5] #Replace x^y with (x+0im)^y, Complex(x)^y, or similar.
ss = compute_steady_state(ngm, x, tol, maxiters)
sss = ss[1:ngm.number_states] #ss for states only 

#ss closed form compare. 
β=0.99; σ=1.0; δ=1.0; α=.3;
kss=(((1/β) + 1 -δ)/α)^(1/(α-1.0)); 
css = kss^α - kss;
ss ≈ [kss, css]                 #true

n_thr = 4; #num threads to use. 
dom = [sss*2.0; sss*0.01]
tf = 1e-8; tv = 1e-6; #inner loop tol #outer loop tol

# Perturbation, Order = 1,2,3
g0 = ss;          # point about which to perturb the model (generally the steady state) 
cutoff = 1.0      # param that separates unstable from stable eigenvalues
# order = "first" # order of the perturbation
N   = PerturbationScheme(g0,cutoff,"first")   # Klein (2000)
NN  = PerturbationScheme(g0,cutoff,"second")  # Gomme and Klein (2011)
NNN = PerturbationScheme(g0,cutoff,"third")   # Binning (2013) w refinement from Levintal (2017)

soln_fo = solve_model(ngm, N)
soln_so = solve_model(ngm, NN)
soln_to = solve_model(ngm, NNN)

# Projection, ChebyshevSchemeDet
g0 = ss; #initial guess 
ng = chebyshev_nodes; #node generator: chebyshev_nodes/chebyshev_extrema
nn1 = [21]; #number of nodes for each state var #vec integers 
#nq = 9; #number quadrature points. Int. #Don't need if deterministic!!!!
no1 = 6; #order of Cheby poly 

P    = ChebyshevSchemeDet(g0,ng,nn1,no1,dom,tf,tv,maxiters)
soln_cha = solve_model(ngm,P,n_thr)

# Projection, SmolyakSchemeDet
# Projection, PiecewiseLinearSchemeStoch
# Compose 
g0 = ss; #initial guess 
ng = chebyshev_gauss_lobatto; #node generator: chebyshev_gauss_lobatto/clenshaw_curtis_equidistant
nl1 = 3; #number of layers to be used in the approximation
#nq = 9; #number quadrature points. Int. #Don't need if deterministic!!!!
no1 = 6; #order of Cheby poly 

S = SmolyakSchemeDet(g0,ng,nl1,dom[:,:],tf,tv,maxiters)
soln_sa = solve_model(ngm,S,n_thr)

# PL 
g0 = ss; #initial guess 
nn1 = [21]; #number of nodes for each state var #vec integers 
#nq = 9; #number quadrature points. Int. #Don't need if deterministic!!!!

PL = PiecewiseLinearSchemeDet(g0,nn1,dom,tf,tv,maxiters)
soln_pl = solve_model(ngm,PL,n_thr)

# Analysis
T=10 # num Sim pds 
ω = 1.0 - 0.90; # start 90% below steady-state

sim_d1   = simulate(soln_fo, sss*ω,  T)
sim_d2   = simulate(soln_so, sss*ω,  T)
sim_d3   = simulate(soln_to, sss*ω,  T)
sim_d4   = simulate(soln_cha, sss*ω, T)
sim_d5   = simulate(soln_sa, sss*ω,  T)
sim_d6   = simulate(soln_pl, sss*ω,  T)
# Closed Form Sol 
k_cf    = zeros(T+1) 
k_cf[1] = sss[1]*ω
c_cf    = zeros(T)
for t in 1:T
    k_cf[t+1] = (α*β) * (k_cf[t]^α)  #k(+1) = (.3*.99) * (k^.3)
    c_cf[t]   = (1-α*β) * (k_cf[t]^α) #c     = (1-.3*.99) * (k^.3)
cf = [k_cf[1:T] c_cf]
# sim returns k[1:T]    NOT     k[1:T+1]

lv = reshape(ngm.variables,1,ngm.number_variables)

p  = plot();
p0 = plot!(1:T,cf,      title="Closed Form",    lab="");
p1 = plot!(1:T,sim_d1', title="Pert. 1st Order", lab=lv)

p  = plot();
p0 = plot!(1:T,cf,      title="Closed Form",    lab="");
p2 = plot!(1:T,sim_d2', title="Pert. 2nd Order", lab=lv)

p  = plot();
p0 = plot!(1:T,cf,      title="Closed Form",    lab="");
p3 = plot!(1:T,sim_d3', title="Pert. 3rd Order", lab=lv)

p  = plot();
p0 = plot!(1:T,cf,      title="Closed Form",    lab="");
p4 = plot!(1:T,sim_d4', title="Proj. Cheby 1",   lab=lv)

p  = plot();
p0 = plot!(1:T,cf,      title="Closed Form",    lab="");
p5 = plot!(1:T,sim_d5', title="Proj. Smol  1",   lab=lv)

p  = plot();
p0 = plot!(1:T,cf,      title="Closed Form",    lab="");
p6 = plot!(1:T,sim_d6', title="Proj. PL    1",   lab=lv)

plot(p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6, size=1.25 .* (600, 400))

image Observe: 3rd order is closer to closed form than 2nd order, & 2nd closed than 1st. I'd expect Levintal's 5th order to be even closer... Projection methods here are very impressive!

Now plot the policy functions over the same domain as used to solve model:

# closed form for capital: k_{t+1} = f(k_t)
p_cf(x) = (α*β) * (x^α)

p_fo(x; s=soln_fo) = s.hx[1] * (x-s.hbar[1]) + s.hbar[1]

function p_so(x; s=soln_so)
    nx = length(s.hbar)
    hxx = Matrix(reshape(s.hxx',nx*nx,nx)')
    a1 = s.hx*(x-s.hbar[1])
    a2 = s.hx*(0.) + (1/2)*hxx*kron(x-s.hbar[1],x-s.hbar[1])
    a3 = a1 + a2 + s.hbar  
    return a3[1]  

using ChebyshevApprox
function p_ch(x; soln=soln_cha)
    w = chebyshev_weights_threaded(soln.variables[1],soln.nodes,soln.order,soln.domain)
    return chebyshev_evaluate(w,[x],soln.order,soln.domain)  

s_gr = sss[1]*0.01:.01:sss[1]*2.0
plot(legend=:topleft, size=1.25 .* (600, 400) );
plot!(s_gr, p_cf, lab="Closed form")
plot!(s_gr, p_fo, lab="Pert 1st")
plot!(s_gr, p_so, lab="Pert 2nd")
plot!(s_gr, p_ch, lab="Proj Cheby")


Now plot policy functions w/ upper bound higher than domain used to solve model:

s_gr = sss[1]*0.01:.01:1.0
plot(legend=:topleft, size=1.25 .* (600, 400) );
plot!(s_gr, p_cf, lab="Closed form")
plot!(s_gr, p_fo, lab="Pert 1st")
plot!(s_gr, p_so, lab="Pert 2nd")
plot!(s_gr, x->max(p_ch(x),0.05), lab="Proj Cheby")


azev77 commented 3 years ago

I'll record some unsolicited, non-urgent comments here (obviously ignore the ones you want...)

RJDennis commented 3 years ago

A few quick reactions, first, as I mentioned above, I can see the usefulness of generating function for the decision rules and law-of-motions for the states for users, and that I can use such functions in my code to reduce some repetition, so I will do that. Second, I have imposed some restrictions on what can be used for function approximation through the way that I have done the quadrature. You seem to be focused on deterministic models so you don't see the benefits to how the quadrature in SolveDSGE.jl is done. Something like Flux.jl could be used for deterministic models, but I think that I would need to change the way the quadrature is done to use it for stochastic models. Third, I'll sort out the vector/matrix thing for the Smolyak case, just for consistency.

RJDennis commented 3 years ago

Oh, and computing Euler equation errors is on the todo list.

azev77 commented 3 years ago

My guess is the standardized decision rule might make it easier to compute generic EE errors. For the deterministic NCGM above:

function ee(x, pol)
    xp  = pol(x)
    xpp = pol(xp)
    c  = (1-δ)*x  + x^α  - xp
    cp = (1-δ)*xp + xp^α - xpp 
    err = β*(c^σ)*(1-δ + α*(xp^(α-1.0)) )  - (cp)^σ
    return err 

s_gr = sss[1]*0.01:.01:sss[1]*2.25
plot(legend=:bottomright, size=1.25 .* (600, 400) );
plot!(s_gr, ee.(s_gr, p_cf), lab="Closed form")
plot!(s_gr, ee.(s_gr, p_fo), lab="Pert 1st")
plot!(s_gr, ee.(s_gr, p_so), lab="Pert 2nd")
plot!(s_gr, ee.(s_gr, p_ch), lab="Proj Cheby")
