RJP43 / CitySlaveGirls

The Restoration of Nell Nelson
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Consistent Coding #17

Closed RJP43 closed 8 years ago

RJP43 commented 8 years ago

@KariWomack @CodyKarch @spadafour @ebeshero

I am going to make a list here of the elements, attributes and values we should be using and the descriptions associated so that we are making sure to code consistently. @spadafour This will also, hopefully, be useful in the writing of the schematron. Everyone please refer to Issue #15 for the xml:ids of the companies so that we also keep those consistent between articles and be sure to add to that issue when you encounter companies you have to make an xml:id for if it isn't listed there already.

the structural elements are <head>, <div>, and <p>

contextual markup:
the <date> element should always have the @when attribute and the value associated should always follow the year-month-day format for example <date when="1888-07-31">

the <orgName> element just needs the @ref attribute with corresponding value associated to the specific organization (list of these xml:ids are in Issue #15) when used with any organization that is not a company being discussed by Nelson or a working girl. When it is such a company you add the attribute type="exposedCompany" in addition to having the @ref attribute with the corresponding value associated to the specific company (list of these xml:ids are in Issue #15).

the <persName> element is going to surround any person's name whether it is just a first name, nickname, last name, or full name reference. Although we are not using this element specifically his semester for data analysis this is information that might be needed in the future.

the <placeName> element can be left without any attribute when used for the name of a place generally for example around the name of a city or country otherwise we add the attribute @type and the associated value "address" and when used in reference to the exact address of a company we add the @ref attribute and corresponding value associated to the specific company (list of these xml:ids are in Issue #15).

the <said> element gets the attributes @who and @ana

the <rs> element can have the attributes @type, @subtype, and @resp


RJP43 commented 8 years ago

@spadafour @KariWomack @CodyKarch Okay so I am trying to finish up the XSLT for the article templates and I am getting started on writing the <span> representations for the <rs> and I am running into the question on whether we want to have our spans pull out the @type or @subtype... a basic question here... Do we want to have the conditions or the connotations be colored text? VERY BASICALLY when the website user toggles the javascript there will be a sense of who is speaking identified one with CSS (underline, bold, a color, etc.) and then when they hit another toggle it will show what they are talking about (context) or what tone (positive or negative) they are talking about. There is also the option to use the title attribute on any html element and tooltip, which we would need to research more if we want to have both the @type and @subtype appear in some way.

Also another cool thing we can do perhaps even easier than an svg graph or perhaps alongside it would be to create an SVG bar of sorts at the top of each article that would give us a representation of how negative a single article by focusing on the <rs> @subtype. This idea was suggested by Dr. B. right after class and I could imagine we would take the count of instances where the @subtype="negative" and set it in relation to the count of all @subtypes to determine how negative a single article is...or how positive... or perhaps a gradient bar of sorts.

what does everyone think about all of this?

RJP43 commented 8 years ago

Only XML to tag as of 12/11 until we get the schematron and site index complete

the structural elements are <head>, <div>, and <p>

contextual markup:
<orgName type="exposedCompany" ref="#theXMLid> (XML identified in #15)> <said> for quoted info. <placeName type="address" ref="#theXMLid> (XML identified in #15) more generally <orgName> and <placeName> tags