RJP43 / CitySlaveGirls

The Restoration of Nell Nelson
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Today's Meeting - 12/14 #22

Closed RJP43 closed 8 years ago

RJP43 commented 8 years ago

@CodyKarch @spadafour: @KariWomack and I are in the classroom so whenever you guys can get here this is where we will be until we (possibly) get booted ! We can record what is accomplished today and tasks to move forward in this issue!

RJP43 commented 8 years ago

next meeting at 10AM on Wednesday 12/16
@CodyKarch @spadafour @KariWomack come with articles finished if possible and whether finished or not please SYNC and ping us by Tuesday night 7pm so we can swarm and help you finish!

RJP43 commented 8 years ago

okay so what we accomplished at this meeting:

A few decisions made in regards to markup -

  1. we decided to eliminate all of the <rs>tagging except for the <rs type="interruption">
  2. for the @ana associated with <w type="noun"> and the @who on the <said> elements there should be a reference # preceding the following options "nellNelson" "workingGirl" "foreperson" "employer" "employee" "benefactor" "messenger" "unidentified" to link back to the site index
  3. if you have an adjective modifying another adjective tag those together as a single adjective same with hyphenated adjectives.
    For example the <seg><w type="adj" ana="pale-faced">pale-faced</w> <w type="noun" ana="#workingGirl">girl</noun></seg> OR <seg><w type="adj" ana="far">very far</w> <w type="noun">distance</noun></seg>


@spadafour @ebeshero and I fixed the schematron to constrain a majority of the tagging we are doing ( @spadafour I added on some note within the past hour of a few additional rules we need to add, but we can tackle those together on Wednesday or have a look at them whenever you get a free moment ). We went ahead and edited the site index and the <teiHeader> elements for all of the XML files of articles we have transcribed to remove duplicate information and so that the schema is associated. @KariWomack worked diligently to complete one full article and make progress on her second article fixing the mark-up to add grammatical markup.

Because of the change in all of the files' <teiHeader> elements it is very important that you SYNC before you begin working on your files and adding/removing markup!!!


By Next Meeting: must have all articles' markup fixed

For Next Meeting:

@KariWomack @CodyKarch @spadafour @ebeshero @ghbondar

CodyKarch commented 8 years ago

Question: How do we approach adjectives written out as numbers? Do we simply act like it is a normal adjective, just written in numerals? Like: <w type="adj" ana="hundred">100</w>

CodyKarch commented 8 years ago

Question2: How do we approach words that were mistyped and we provided a correct version of? Would it be like thus? <choice><sic><w type="noun">beeeze</w></sic><reg resp="CAK"><w type="noun">breeze</w></reg></choice> or <choice><sic>beeeze</sic><reg resp="CAK"><w type="noun">breeze</w></reg></choice>

CodyKarch commented 8 years ago

Question3: What would the ana attribute of the adjective "sizzling" be? I assume "sizzle". As well, for the word "fiery". Would it be "fire" or "fiery"?

CodyKarch commented 8 years ago

Question4: How do I manage this? at the extreme south-east corner of the floor Would it be marked up as at the <seg><w type="adj" ana="extreme">extreme</w><w type="adj" ana="south-east">south-east</w><w type="adj" ana="corner">corner</w> of the <w type="noun">floor</w> AS WELL: how would I mark up "a short flight of steps"?

RJP43 commented 8 years ago

Hey everyone I am on my way to campus running a little late, but I will see you all soon.