RK22000 / QuackerJack

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Connect directly to Open AI api #17

Open RK22000 opened 1 year ago

RK22000 commented 1 year ago

just show a proof of concept using this

To access the OpenAI API from an Android app, you can use HTTP client libraries such as Retrofit or OkHttp to send HTTP requests to the OpenAI API endpoint. Here are the general steps you would need to take:

Obtain an API key from the OpenAI website. You will need this API key to authenticate your API requests.

Choose an HTTP client library to use in your Android app. Retrofit is a popular library for making HTTP requests in Android, but there are other options available as well.

Use the HTTP client library to send an HTTP POST request to the OpenAI API endpoint. The request should include your API key in the Authorization header and the data you want to process in the request body. The specific format of the request body will depend on the API endpoint you are using and the type of data you are sending.

Parse the response from the OpenAI API to extract the data you need.

Handle any errors that may occur during the request or response handling process.

Here is some example code that shows how to use Retrofit to send an HTTP POST request to the OpenAI API endpoint:

// Create a Retrofit instance with the OpenAI API endpoint URL
val retrofit = Retrofit.Builder()

// Create an interface that defines the API methods
interface OpenAiApi {
    fun getCompletion(
        @Header("Authorization") apiKey: String,
        @Body request: CompletionRequest
    ): Call<CompletionResponse>

// Create a data class that represents the request body
data class CompletionRequest(
    val prompt: String,
    val maxTokens: Int

// Create a data class that represents the response body
data class CompletionResponse(
    val choices: List<CompletionChoice>

data class CompletionChoice(
    val text: String

// Use the OpenAI API interface to send a request and receive a response
val api = retrofit.create(OpenAiApi::class.java)
val request = CompletionRequest("Hello, world!", 5)
val call = api.getCompletion("API_KEY", request)
val response = call.execute().body()

// Parse the response and use the data as needed
val text = response?.choices?.get(0)?.text

This example code sends a request to the OpenAI "completions" endpoint to generate text based on a prompt. The API key is included in the Authorization header, and the request body is a data class that contains the prompt and the maximum number of tokens to generate. The response is parsed into a data class that contains the generated text, and the text is extracted from the response and used in the app as needed.