RKelln / Ubuntu-Homepage

A replacement homepage for Ubuntu
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make homepage a little bit more startpage or start-center #7

Open JayPiEs opened 13 years ago

JayPiEs commented 13 years ago

i've taken a look at the startpage wiki from launchpad group for the standard startpage and the mock-up there is a bit more structured and "cleaner" my thought of implementing it in your work was to let the text as IS but insert buttons before or after the text with links for the online based services for the average and new Ubuntu user - like UbuntuOne Dashboard, Launchpad, Ubuntu Help Forum, Ubuntu Online Help, Ubuntu Tour, etc... or the other idea is to have less text and more structured links to online AND offline ressources...maybe buttons to configure e-mail or news or to open the control-center or the software-center... or is this too much for this project? it's only an idea for something like a start-center (maybe you know the startpage/window which loads after installing Windows Vista / 7 something like that, only better ;-)

RKelln commented 13 years ago

These are all good ideas. If you could post here what links you'd like to include I'll definitely consider them, basically anything that is current, active and helpful. Less text might be good, although my goal was to be a place for new users to first read about what the Ubuntu community is and what exists, rather than an easier to use (less text) portal/hub. However, I had a thought that there could be two versions of the page, or the page could adjust as you use it more often, so that it "grows" and becomes more expert with you. As for offline resources, that is a bit beyond the scope of this project - but is exactly the goal of the larger project that the replacement homepage is a part. If you'd like to help with that send me a private msg and we can talk through it.

JayPiEs commented 13 years ago

sorry for that delay, i didn't have time in the last weeks...

i've done some brainstorming as a tomboy note in the last weeks and this is my current list of ubuntu resources i think could be useful for the startpage:

• UbuntuOne • Ubuntu Website (for Newbies and People who actually don't use Ubuntu) • Ubuntu Dokumentation/in the corresponding language (Newbies and Advanced Users) • Support Community • Launchpad • Brainstorm • Ubuntu Shop • Ubuntu Manual (Newbies) • Ubuntu Tour (Newbies) • Ubuntu Forum • Screencasts (Newbies) • AskUbuntu • ubuntuusers • System76 oder/und ähnliche Shops • UbuntuGamer • Debian (as a Supportlink and for background informations) • UbuntuObserver • Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, MySpace, Xing, lastfm, etc. • Mock-Ups! Ubuntu • Ubuntu News • Planet Ubuntu • program resources, like Bugzilla, github, etc...

and i still think the most important thing about Ubuntu and the fixing of bug #1 is the translation of ALL resources in the most popular languages. the translations of ALL resources is the thing what makes Microsoft and Apple so familiar to most people! (i think ;-) Ubuntu itself is ready to go for it, only the marketing has to get more familiar and attractive for the Windows-Users out there ;-)

RKelln commented 13 years ago

I've added many of those links already, but I'll definitely consider adding the others, thanks.