RL10N / rl10n.github.io

Website for RL10N
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Create Project Logo #1

Open leeper opened 8 years ago

leeper commented 8 years ago


richierocks commented 8 years ago

First idea: a lion speaking something incomprehensible.

Something like this: http://postimg.org/image/c829tv9mt/2f930423, except not using the first lion clipart I found on the internet.

Text says "R in every language" in Wingdings. Again, we want something-like-that-but-with-more-thought.

leeper commented 8 years ago

I like the lion idea a lot.

Here's something like that based on some stolen images and 2 minutes of MS Paint.



richierocks commented 8 years ago


richierocks commented 8 years ago

Slogan font is XXII Arabian Onenightstand.

Speech font is Bitstream Vera Sans Mono.

Unicode math symbols found here.

I know a couple of people with graphic design skills that I may be able to bribe with beer to do an original lion for us.

richierocks commented 8 years ago

Almost there with the logo. My friend Sara has done the outline; just need to choose some colors. It's been interesting seeing how much effort goes into designing suitable paws!


leeper commented 8 years ago

Nice! I had no idea. I failed miserably at cartooning as a child, so I'm impressed!

richierocks commented 8 years ago

So tonight I finally got round to finishing those last bits on my book, and I can start thinking about translations again.

Here's the logo that my colleague Sara created: rl10nlogo

leeper commented 8 years ago

Love it!