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Can't set installation directory #186

Open eco9898 opened 2 years ago

eco9898 commented 2 years ago

I am using epic games to play rocket league. I changed my drive's letter a few months back and RLBotGui is trying to launch RL by the old drive letter, epic games uses the correct drive letter but RLBotGui won't detect the correct installation. I can't find any option to manually set the install directory and didn't find any help in the RLBot discord or this github.

An option to set the directory would be helpful to resolve this issue. If it already exists could someone let me know how to access it?

eco9898 commented 2 years ago

manually starting the game with the arguments via cmdline or epic games settings causes it to launch but not work correctly. online play is working properly, which it shouldn't be? Also, RLBot won't start a match:

2022-04-30 08:39:19,317 INFO:rlbot[    setup_manager.py:400 - ensure_rlbot_gateway_started() ] Already have RLBot.exe running! Port is 23233
2022-04-30 08:39:20,797 INFO:rlbot[    setup_manager.py:211 -      connect_to_game() ] Loading interface...
2022-04-30 08:39:20,998 INFO:rlbot[   game_interface.py:264 -    wait_until_loaded() ] DLL is initialized!
2022-04-30 08:39:20,999 INFO:rlbot[   game_interface.py:338 -       load_interface() ] About to call StartTcp

After waiting a few minutes the following appears:

2022-04-30 08:41:21,304 ERROR:rlbot[    setup_manager.py:217 -      connect_to_game() ] Terminating rlbot gateway and raising:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "src\\gevent\\greenlet.py", line 906, in gevent._gevent_cgreenlet.Greenlet.run
  File "C:\Users\eco98\AppData\Local\RLBotGUIX\Python37\lib\site-packages\rlbot_gui\match_runner\match_runner.py", line 223, in start_match_helper
    setup_match(sm , match_config, launcher_prefs)
  File "C:\Users\eco98\AppData\Local\RLBotGUIX\Python37\lib\site-packages\rlbot_gui\match_runner\match_runner.py", line 181, in setup_match
  File "C:\Users\eco98\AppData\Local\RLBotGUIX\Python37\lib\site-packages\rlbot_gui\match_runner\match_runner.py", line 152, in do_setup
  File "C:\Users\eco98\AppData\Local\RLBotGUIX\Python37\lib\site-packages\rlbot\setup_manager.py", line 219, in connect_to_game
    raise e
  File "C:\Users\eco98\AppData\Local\RLBotGUIX\Python37\lib\site-packages\rlbot\setup_manager.py", line 215, in connect_to_game
    port=23234, wants_ball_predictions=False, wants_quick_chat=False, wants_game_messages=False)
  File "C:\Users\eco98\AppData\Local\RLBotGUIX\Python37\lib\site-packages\rlbot\utils\structures\game_interface.py", line 340, in load_interface
  File "C:\Users\eco98\AppData\Local\RLBotGUIX\Python37\lib\site-packages\rlbot\utils\structures\game_interface.py", line 282, in wait_until_ready_to_communicate
    raise TimeoutError("RLBot took too long to initialize! Was Rocket League started with the -rlbot flag? "
TimeoutError: RLBot took too long to initialize! Was Rocket League started with the -rlbot flag? If you're not sure, close Rocket League and let us open it for you next time!
2022-04-29T22:41:21Z <Greenlet at 0x1f41ad3fa68: start_match_helper([{'name': 'Human', 'team': 0, 'type': 'human', 'sk, {'map': 'BeckwithPark', 'game_mode': 'Soccer', 'sk, RocketLeagueLauncherPreference(preferred_launcher=)> failed with TimeoutError
eco9898 commented 2 years ago

I found the code is searching C:\ProgramData\Epic\EpicGamesLauncher\Data\Manifests for a manifest file and using that directory so I will try to modify the manifests there. Still, there should be a way to set the location with a manual overide

tarehart commented 2 years ago

You're right, we should make a way to set an override. Thanks for documenting the workaround in the meantime

kaiserbleacher commented 2 years ago

Hello, I wanted to know if there is a way to play rocket league with RLBot without having to run epic games or steam. I have the full game client but when I put the location of the game executable, the game starts when I touch the start match button, but no match starts, stays in the game presentation