RMDLO / trackdlo

[RA-L 2023, ICRA 2024, ICRA RMDO 2024] This repository contains the code used in our paper, "TrackDLO: Tracking Deformable Linear Objects Under Occlusion with Motion Coherence." This algorithm is useful for tracking the motion of DLOs, including wire and rope, under several categories of occlusion without physics simulation.
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Failed to extract splines #79

Closed happygaoxiao closed 6 months ago

happygaoxiao commented 8 months ago

Hello, I followed the instructions in COLOR_THRESHOLD.md and got the HSV limits. Then put it into the launch file. However, for Multi-Colored DLO, how could I modify the files in initialize.py and trackdlo_node.cpp? In initialize.py:

# tape green
lower_green = (58, 130, 50)
upper_green = (90, 255, 89)

I have no values to set for the function color_thresholding in trackdlo_node.cpp. It needs bounds for blue, yellow and red.

If I set the multi_color_dlo as false, I got an error as below:

process[trackdlo-1]: started with pid [122660] process[init_tracker-2]: started with pid [122661] Received camera projection matrix: [[920.85638428 0. 643.73748779 0. ] [ 0. 921.11529541 362.02041626 0. ] [ 0. 0. 1. 0. ]] Initializing... [ERROR] [1709031866.571230]: Failed to extract splines. [init_tracker-2] process has finished cleanly

If I set visualize_initialization_process as true, it got stuck at Initializing.... image

No data are shown in /trackdlo/filtered_pointcloud.

Could you please tell me what I should do? Thank you very much!

hollydinkel commented 8 months ago

Hi @happygaoxiao,

Thanks for raising this issue! It looks like your object is monochrome, is that correct? We use the multi-color functionality to enable tip tracking (to break the object's visual symmetry) or ground truth marker tracking. Objects we use multi-color for are shown in the images below.

rope (1) multicolor

Since you were able to get a segmentation mask, it seems your color thresholding is actually working. How close is your camera to the scene? The below depth_threshold parameter is in initialize.py and is not configured in the launch file. If the DLO is closer to the camera than depth_threshold, all the points in the point cloud corresponding to it will be filtered out.

if multi_color_dlo:
    depth_threshold = 0.57  # m
    extracted_chains_3d = extracted_chains_3d[extracted_chains_3d[:, 2] > depth_threshold]

Try changing this and let me know if it works! If it works, consider opening a pull request for this repository which sets depth_threshold to a configurable parameter in the trackdlo.launch file.

happygaoxiao commented 8 months ago

Hello, thank you for your quick response. I think my rope is monochrome. And I only modified the trackdlo.launch file based on the HSV limits from COLOR_THRESHOLD.md

When I set multi_color_dlo as true, the init frame is totally black. depth_threshold = 0.3, The actual distance between the camera and the rope is about 0.37m. The problem is that I didn't change anything in color_thresholding in initialize.py and trackdlo_node.cpp. Because I only have the HSV limits but it seems to need blue, yellow and red bounds. I have no data for these.

When I set multi_color_dlo as false, the init frame looks correct as above screenshot. depth_threshold should take no effect. But it got stuck here and I cannot get data from /trackdlo/filtered_pointcloud.

My environment:


hollydinkel commented 8 months ago

Based on the picture you show, your DLO is one single color. It seems like you should be using multi_color_dlo:=false, so my previous comment may not apply. You should not need to modify anything in the color_thresholding function in initialize.py, since this logic exists in initialize.py:

    if not multi_color_dlo:
        # color thresholding
        mask = cv2.inRange(hsv_image, lower, upper)
        # color thresholding
        mask, mask_tip = color_thresholding(hsv_image, cur_depth)

You should also not need to modify the color_thresholding function in trackdlo_node.cpp since this logic exists in that script:

        if (!multi_color_dlo) {
            // color_thresholding
            cv::inRange(cur_image_hsv, cv::Scalar(lower[0], lower[1], lower[2]), cv::Scalar(upper[0], upper[1], upper[2]), mask_without_occlusion_block);
        else {
            mask_without_occlusion_block = color_thresholding(cur_image_hsv);

Are you able to get to the after skeletonization screen as you initialize tracking? This is the second screen that appears after visualizing the segmentation mask:

  1. 'init frame' - you have this image
  2. 'after skeletonization` - should look something like this: image

Make sure to press the escape key on the init frame window to advance through the initialization process. You can also just try setting visualize_initialization_process:=false to make sure the lag in advancing through these frames is not affecting anything (it is mainly important to do this if the DLO is moving, for example from playing back .bag data).

happygaoxiao commented 8 months ago

Hello, thank you for your reply.

I just fixed the issue by debugging the initialize.py. There is a bug for skeletonization in this line. Method lee or zhang only works for 2D images from skeletonize.py in skimage package (version 0.21.0). So, when I use method=None it works pretty well. There seems to be another bug in the while loop of visualize_process. It cannot break the loop.

Here is a demo with single color. https://github.com/RMDLO/trackdlo/assets/24514908/caa90d11-a2c8-4bc2-9ea5-cd5ad8a2abef

Could you please let me know what I should do for multi_color_dlo? I used the HSV limits but when I set multi_color_dlo as true, the init frame is totally black.

hollydinkel commented 7 months ago

Hi @happygaoxiao,

Nice work! For your single color demo, one thing I noticed is several nodes are marked as self-occluded (colored red). Try changing the num_of_nodes parameter in trackdlo.launch and see how this affects tracking for your setup. Tracking is sensitive to this parameter.

Tracking with a multi-color dlo is very sensitive to the HSV values. As you previously noticed, some of these are actually hard-coded and setup-specific in initialize.py and trackdlo_node.cpp. For my rope object above (dark blue rope with green tip), I use this as my color_thresholding function in trackdlo_node.cpp

Mat color_thresholding (Mat cur_image_hsv) {
    std::vector<int> lower_blue = {90, 90, 30};
    std::vector<int> upper_blue = {130, 255, 255};

    std::vector<int> lower_green = {58, 130, 50};
    std::vector<int> upper_green = {90, 255, 255};

    Mat mask_blue, mask_green, mask;

    // filter blue
    cv::inRange(cur_image_hsv, cv::Scalar(lower_blue[0], lower_blue[1], lower_blue[2]), cv::Scalar(upper_blue[0], upper_blue[1], upper_blue[2]), mask_blue);

    cv::inRange(cur_image_hsv, cv::Scalar(lower_green[0], lower_green[1], lower_green[2]), cv::Scalar(upper_green[0], upper_green[1], upper_green[2]), mask_green);

    cv::bitwise_or(mask_green, mask_blue, mask);

    return mask;

I use this for my color_thresholding function in initialize.py

def color_thresholding (hsv_image, cur_depth):
    global lower, upper

    mask_dlo = cv2.inRange(hsv_image.copy(), lower, upper).astype('uint8')

    # tape green
    lower_green = (58, 130, 50)
    upper_green = (90, 255, 89)
    mask_green = cv2.inRange(hsv_image.copy(), lower_green, upper_green).astype('uint8')

    # combine masks
    mask = cv2.bitwise_or(mask_green.copy(), mask_dlo.copy())

    # filter mask base on depth values
    mask[cur_depth < 0.57*1000] = 0

    return mask, mask_green

When using the color_picker.py script and following the COLOR_THRESHOLD.md instructions, make sure that you are actually able to segment two distinct colors. In my case, the color thresholding values which work for the green tip totally filter out the dark blue rope in color_picker.py and vice-versa.

Hopefully some of that helps! Please let me know how it goes! 😃

hollydinkel commented 6 months ago

Hi @happygaoxiao - were you able to resolve any issues encountered with using the multi_color_dlo option?

hollydinkel commented 6 months ago

Hi @happygaoxiao - closing this issue, but feel free to open a new one if you have any more trouble!