RMHogervorst / badgecreatr

Quickly place relevant badges at the top of your readme, stop copy pasting, start on your project
61 stars 22 forks source link

Functions not working (Linux, Ubuntu 16.04.1) #26

Closed pat-s closed 7 years ago

pat-s commented 7 years ago

Using the CRAN version:

Error in stringr::str_match(grep("R \\(", description, value = TRUE),  : 
  subscript out of bounds

Same error message for badgecreatr().

Using the Github version:

> findbadges()
[1] TRUE


[1] TRUE


[1] TRUE

[1] TRUE

[1] TRUE

[1] TRUE

[1] "MIT +"

[1] "oddsratio"

[1] TRUE


Warning message:
In readLines(".travis.yml") : incomplete final line found on '.travis.yml'

I definitely have a .travis.yml file in my wd. Calling the functions from the directory root of my R package.
Path: "~/someName/PackageName"

privefl commented 7 years ago

This is a duplicate of https://github.com/RMHogervorst/badgecreatr/issues/19.

You just need to add Depends: R (>= 3.2.3) in your description file (use the version you want), or just use this package in its github version, where this problem has been fixed.

The warning of readLines is really not important, if you want to remove it, just add a line with nothing at the end of your .travis.yml.

pat-s commented 7 years ago

@privefl thanks for clarification!

RMHogervorst commented 7 years ago

I will update the cran package in a month or so.