RMHogervorst / blog

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Closed RMHogervorst closed 5 years ago

RMHogervorst commented 5 years ago


Use https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c0bsKc4tiuY as inspiration, simone explains why making useless stuff is so nice. It makes the expectations low and keeps the fun


simone is my spirit animal and I didn't even know it

Things I 've made that are not entirely useful an app for adding bananas to your picture https://github.com/RMHogervorst/bananafy multiple coffee related things... How many times me and a friend drank coffee related to weather and other stuff https://github.com/RMHogervorst/koffie coffee related functions https://github.com/RMHogervorst/coffeegeeks https://github.com/RMHogervorst/coffeedata dataset as a package example (of the previously mentioned coffee moments)

I've created scale to measure how much R-nerdiness you have https://github.com/RMHogervorst/r_scale

i created a dataset of werewolves https://github.com/RMHogervorst/werewolf, a dataset of unicorns and unicycles a list of things that should be a package but aren't yet https://github.com/RMHogervorst/shouldbeapackage

sometimes I go a bit overboard and even create a whole new organisation with a single useless purpose: R-related karaoke: Raoke package https://github.com/raoke/ with accompanying shiny app https://rmhogervorst.shinyapps.io/powrballad/ to select a song startrek

https://github.com/rtrek with TNG phrases and stuff.

But I learned so much from all of this! I learned the basics from the Coursera courses, and gradually taught myself how to interact with APIs, how to work with the magic package, geographical manipulation, shiny apps etc.