RMI-PACTA / actions

Actions for GitHub workflows
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Add action to automatically add issues and PRs to a GitHub project board #15

Open cjyetman opened 7 months ago

cjyetman commented 7 months ago

I might be the only one that uses it, but I have a board that is meant to track all issues and PRs related to Transition Monitor across many repos. It's only really feasible because I setup GH actions in each relevant repo to automatically add any newly created issues or PRs, like this https://github.com/RMI-PACTA/pacta.portfolio.allocate/blob/main/.github/workflows/add-prs-and-issues-to-project.yml

jdhoffa commented 7 months ago

I have a similar thing going for r2dii here: https://github.com/orgs/RMI-PACTA/projects/10

I think we should align on EITHER doing this, or RMI-PACTA/Actions#17 (otherwise we are really risking falling out of sync/ maintaining two of the same thing)

cjyetman commented 7 months ago

Personally, I would still find the board useful even if RMI-PACTA/Actions#17 was duplicating tickets in ADO. The boards are in-sync with the GH issues and PRs, so it's not really adding an additional set of them to manage, it's just offering a different view of them.

jdhoffa commented 7 months ago

Yeah fair enough. Just want to make sure you don't spend all of the time that you want to put towards Project Management on beautifying that GitHub board, and have that result in their ADO counterparts being left to rot (playing Matze's advocate here a bit seeing as he's not on GH lol)

but if you love PM so much you want to have two boards then that works 😂

Also speaking from my own experience, as I could easily spend several hours making the r2dii GH project much prettier, but have actively avoided doing that so that I can put the time into ADO instead for the sake of the team

cjyetman commented 7 months ago

I don't love PM so much, but I appreciate the ability to see related issues and PRs across multiple repos that are relevant, and be able to interact with them directly. If all the relevant code was in one repo and not spread out across numerous separate repos, I'd probably be fine with using just that repo's Issues and PRs tabs.

jdhoffa commented 7 months ago

Fair enough!

(obviously I agree since I do the same thing lol)

jdhoffa commented 7 months ago

Tagging as agile though granted it's not exactly/ specifically agile, but agile-adjacent.

cjyetman commented 7 months ago

I've discovered that the existing actions we have to achieve this do not add a new draft PR to the board. I would prefer that it did. Maybe this is something that could be added/fixed, and if necessary parameterized.

jdhoffa commented 7 months ago

If so, would prefer that this is parameterized as I would prefer Drafts NOT on my boards hahaha XD (as you suggest)

cjyetman commented 7 months ago

Any idea/suspicion what would happen if I selected numerous issues in a repo at the same time and bulk added the ADO tag to them?! That would be awesome if it worked as expected.

jdhoffa commented 7 months ago

I don't see why it wouldn't?

I will check tomorrow

jdhoffa commented 7 months ago

Any idea/suspicion what would happen if I selected numerous issues in a repo at the same time and bulk added the ADO tag to them?! That would be awesome if it worked as expected.

FYI. I think this comment should actually be here: https://github.com/RMI-PACTA/actions/issues/17

This issue is related to GH projects, not ADO.

cjyetman commented 7 months ago

I have also discovered that if one opens a draft PR and then later opens it for review, the opening for review action does not add the PR to the board. (@jdhoffa while I understand you don't want draft PRs to be added automatically, I assume you would want a PR to be added once it had been opened for review?)

jdhoffa commented 7 months ago

I don't have any comment here, as I largely plan to deprecate my (personal) use of this action in favor of https://github.com/RMI-PACTA/actions/blob/main/.github/workflows/issues-gh-to-ado.yml

I give you full reign to adjust this action as you please if you plan to use it still! I will likely be closing all of my GH projects once I have finished testing the GH-to-ADO action in the wild.