API + web frontend for PACTA infrastructure
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Show Report in Iframe #190

Open gbdubs opened 7 months ago

gbdubs commented 7 months ago

Rather than showing the report in a new tab, Hodie would like the default to be to iFrame it (which should be simple - particularly if it's modal'ed). We can still offer within that iFrame the capability to see a full-screen version of it via a link.

hodie commented 1 month ago

@jdhoffa @MonikaFu something to keep in mind when designing the new dashboard.

@gbdubs we are in the progress of replacing that long, long, long html "report" to a more traditional dashboard so that browsing the data becomes more intuitive. Docker image would still produce the outputs. Exact specs TBD. Probably good @MonikaFu , @gbdubs , @AlexAxthelm to sync once ideas have evolved more.

gbdubs commented 1 month ago

@bcspragu FYI

jdhoffa commented 1 month ago

Just a quick update on this at this stage I don't think the invocation or structure of this "dashboard" will be much different at all from the interactive report that is currently being integrated (in fact: I am working to spec it so that it won't be functionally different at all).

@AlexAxthelm if you think I'm glossing over any details or missing something critical let me know?

(a VERY rough prototype is being served here: https://rmi-pacta.github.io/pacta-dashboard-svelte/)

hodie commented 1 month ago

Dark mode! image