RMI-PACTA / pacta-dashboard-svelte

This is a demonstrative project, showing what a PACTA dashboard in Svelte might look like.
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feat: `sector_view.svelte` tab gains dummy plots with global param inputs #3

Closed jdhoffa closed 2 months ago

jdhoffa commented 2 months ago

In this PR, I implement the Technology Mix and Volume Trajectory plots with dummy data into thesector_view.svelte tab. Plot parameters can be controlled via external global selection input via EventListeners, as @cjyetman prototyped in: https://github.com/RMI-PACTA/test_static_dashboard

Dummy data gained

data_techmix.json data_trajectory_alignment.json

Exported JS classes gains

techexposure trajectory_alignment

Styling gained


Overall layout changes

sector_view.svelte gains general structural layout + dummy plots

Dependencies gained

d3 and d3-array

jdhoffa commented 2 months ago

May be of interest to @MonikaFu @cjyetman and @AlexAxthelm

If you want to test this out locally (requires having Nodejs and npm installed), you can try:

npm install
npm run dev

and inspect the resulting webpage.

Should look like: Screenshot 2024-07-12 at 15 14 39