RMI-PACTA / pacta.multi.loanbook.plot

Tools to Plot Climate Metrics for Multiple Loanbooks
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replace webshot dependency with webshot2? #36

Open cjyetman opened 1 month ago

cjyetman commented 1 month ago

webshot depends on a local install of phantomjs, which was abandoned in 2018. webshot2 is a modern replacement for webshot, which requires a local install of Chrome (or one of its variants). There are other possibilities, like chromote also.

Alternatively, plot_sankey() could possibly use a plotting tool that generates static plots rather than the interactive/htmlwidget type that networkD3 creates.

jdhoffa commented 1 month ago

Relates to https://github.com/RMI-PACTA/pacta.multi.loanbook.plot/issues/35

jdhoffa commented 1 month ago

Also, was this issue meant to be in https://github.com/RMI-PACTA/pacta.multi.loanbook.plot in the first place? I thought we were/ had deprecated this repository (https://github.com/RMI-PACTA/pacta.aggregate.loanbook.plots) but maybe I was mistaken? @jacobvjk

(See for example that workflow.multi.loanbook depends on pacta.multi.loanbook.plot: https://github.com/RMI-PACTA/workflow.multi.loanbook/blob/43cd47882fa1d01ef5eb9a27887cd789a96232cf/DESCRIPTION#L23-L24)

cjyetman commented 1 month ago

I think you're right. I was confused by the similar naming.

jacobvjk commented 1 month ago

accurate, pacta.multi.loanbook.plot is the one in use

cjyetman commented 16 hours ago

for reference, this is how I achieved exporting networkD3 plots to a PNG with just chromote (not webshot2 additionally) in another pkg https://github.com/cjyetman/network.r2d3/blob/main/R/save_as_png.R