RMI-PACTA / practices

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Decide what types of practices we would like to align on and document here #3

Open jdhoffa opened 1 year ago

jdhoffa commented 1 year ago

We did some work on this a few years ago, and that work can be found here: https://bit.ly/2dii-practices

Some examples of types of things we might want to document are:

Some other general practices/ principles we might consider documenting are:

jdhoffa commented 1 year ago

@MonikaFu @cjyetman @jacobvjk @AlexAxthelm I encourage you folks to braindump any other practices or principles you think are worth documenting here (not necessarily the actual practice, but the broad category)

cjyetman commented 1 year ago

open source first - start there and only make private when absolutely necessary?

jdhoffa commented 1 year ago

Absolutely back this!!!!!!

AlexAxthelm commented 1 year ago

from @cjyetman via teams: https://code-review.tidyverse.org/

cjyetman commented 1 year ago

I would like to have it codified somewhere that PRs should be small and focussed as possible. For instance, not including style changes or whitespace fixes on unrelated lines of code. There is some discussion of this here https://code-review.tidyverse.org/author/focused.html

jdhoffa commented 8 months ago

Bump: @cjyetman @AlexAxthelm @MonikaFu @jacobvjk Would it be annoying for me to try to breathe life into this again? Maybe set up some calls about it?

We still don't have well-documented standards for how we want to work together, and it seems if we agreed on some things it would help us alleviate uncomfortable PRs and conflicts in the (cyber)workplace 🤣

MonikaFu commented 7 months ago

Up for reviving this discussion. Maybe we could use the space of dev hangouts for it?

jdhoffa commented 7 months ago

I, as the new maintainer for this, will be taking every opportunity to bother you about it, don't you worry ;-)