RMI-PACTA / r2dii.match

Tools to Match Financial Portfolios with Climate Data
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post-CRAN-acceptance (0.1.4) Follow-up tasks #431

Closed AlexAxthelm closed 7 months ago

AlexAxthelm commented 11 months ago

Following the closure of #430, there are some tasks in #429 that still need to be finished after acceptance to CRAN.

jdhoffa commented 8 months ago

Any progress on this?

AlexAxthelm commented 8 months ago

@jdhoffa I've not followed up on any of this following acceptance (other fires to deal with, and then it was off my radar). If you add a write a blog post for the repo-level docs, I think George already has one written.

jdhoffa commented 7 months ago

I don't think we really use or publicize the blog, to date? I will close this as-is for now. If we want to breath life into the blog we can check that out next release.