RMI-PACTA / workflow.factset

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consider migrating issues from pacta.data.preparation #27

Closed cjyetman closed 5 months ago

cjyetman commented 5 months ago

There are a number of open issues related to the FactSet database connection code that was moved here. Unfortunately, I can not easily transfer them because pacta.data.preparation is not currently public. You should consider porting them over.

for example: https://github.com/RMI-PACTA/pacta.data.preparation/issues/277 https://github.com/RMI-PACTA/pacta.data.preparation/issues/116 https://github.com/RMI-PACTA/pacta.data.preparation/issues/65

I've also been tagging them with factset so you can easily search for them with https://github.com/RMI-PACTA/pacta.data.preparation/issues?q=is%3Aopen+is%3Aissue+label%3Afactset

AlexAxthelm commented 5 months ago

This appears to be all the issues that need to be migrated to this repo. If I missed any, let me know. Closing this issue in favor of all the others