RMJTromp / ChatEmojis

Chat Emojis is a lightweight Minecraft Spigot server plugin that replaces emoticons with 'emojis'.
GNU General Public License v3.0
6 stars 7 forks source link

2.3.3 #15

Closed RMJTromp closed 1 year ago

RMJTromp commented 1 year ago

relevant updates: Added 1.20 support

irrelevant updates: Added /emoji dump command for relevant debugging information dumping Added emoji limitations in chat (disabled due to it not working as intended) Loads more enhancements I cant remember Using Lombok for getters and setters to remove repetitive methods Disabled error throwing when plugin in loaded on an unsupported/untested Minecraft version

Apparently I was working on settings.yml that contains more cool configurations, aswel as some language files for future language support. Note that these are not yet implemented and were only pushed because I have no clue what im doing