Closed johndoe888 closed 2 years ago
When parsing
prefixes: test: http://www.test.test/ mappings: Project: sources: - [test.xml~xpath, "/"] s: test:$(lower-case(test)) po: - [a, test:Test]
with the yarrrml-parser version 1.3.5 I get
@prefix rr: <>. @prefix rdf: <>. @prefix rdfs: <>. @prefix fnml: <>. @prefix fno: <>. @prefix d2rq: <>. @prefix void: <>. @prefix dc: <>. @prefix foaf: <>. @prefix rml: <>. @prefix ql: <>. @prefix : <>. @prefix test: <http://www.test.test/>. :rules_000 a void:Dataset; void:exampleResource :map_Project_000. :map_Project_000 rml:logicalSource :source_000. :source_000 a rml:LogicalSource; rml:source "test.xml"; rml:iterator "/"; rml:referenceFormulation ql:XPath. :map_Project_000 a rr:TriplesMap; rdfs:label "Project". :s_000 a rr:SubjectMap. :map_Project_000 rr:subjectMap :s_000. :s_000 rr:template "http://www.test.test/{lower-case(test})". :pom_000 a rr:PredicateObjectMap. :map_Project_000 rr:predicateObjectMap :pom_000. :pm_000 a rr:PredicateMap. :pom_000 rr:predicateMap :pm_000. :pm_000 rr:constant rdf:type. :pom_000 rr:objectMap :om_000. :om_000 a rr:ObjectMap; rr:constant "http://www.test.test/Test"; rr:termType rr:IRI.
The brackets at the end of the line with "{lower-case(test})" are swapped ("})" instead of ")}").
This looks to be a duplicate of #164. The suggested fix is to add a backslash to escape the closing parenthesis:
s: test:$(lower-case(test\))
Okay. Closing this.
When parsing
with the yarrrml-parser version 1.3.5 I get
The brackets at the end of the line with "{lower-case(test})" are swapped ("})" instead of ")}").