RMLio / yarrrml-parser

A YARRRML parser library and CLI in Javascript
MIT License
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v1.3.6+ URL encoding breaks with GREL functions #183

Open vaishalir18 opened 1 year ago

vaishalir18 commented 1 year ago

Issue type: :bug: Bug


In versions 1.3.6+, certain iris are corrupted as GREL lowercasing removes URL encoding of subjects. The rml file generated with version 1.3.5 appears unaffected by this bug. It appears a bug was introduced in v1.3.6 onwards.


  1. Generate a rml file using yarrrml-parser for versions 1.4.0
  2. Generate a rml file using yarrrml-parser for version 1.3.5

The respective rml turtle files and yml file needed for the parser have all been attached in the zip file within this report.

The diff in the mapping is as follows:

 $ diff mapping1.3.5.ttl mapping1.4.0.ttl
<     rml:parentTermMap :ptm_000.
< :ptm_000 rr:template "http://www.example.com/canonical/skill_{Skill-Canonical}".
>     rr:template "http://www.example.com/canonical/skill_{Skill-Canonical}";
>     rr:termType rr:Literal.
<     rml:parentTermMap :ptm_001.
< :ptm_001 rr:template "http://www.example.com/skill_{Skill-AssetMetadata}".
>     rr:template "http://www.example.com/skill_{Skill-AssetMetadata}";
>     rr:termType rr:Literal. 


Java version: openjdk version "11.0.11" System OS: macOS Monterey Version 12.5


henrieglesorotos commented 1 year ago

This bug appears to be similar to this - https://github.com/RMLio/yarrrml-parser/issues/151