and possibly should be copied. This would then enable lazy evaluation.
The same is then possible for eigen with is_eigen_type<V1>::value
What I cannot work out is how to write the signature of the function that should be defined, which in some way defines what is needed. However, if the irc::linalg has not been completed then c++ will complain say it cant find the signature, which in someway documents. (
Ok, so this is how far I have got:
This is an example of the same function signature for two different template types. To extend this to armadillo and eigen there are the replacements for or specifically, we can see how it is used in which is a more complete return statement:
std::is_same<T, A>::value
(included intypename enable_if2< is_arma_type<T>::value, typename T::pod_type >::result
and possibly should be copied. This would then enable lazy evaluation.
The same is then possible for eigen with
What I cannot work out is how to write the signature of the function that should be defined, which in some way defines what is needed. However, if the
has not been completed then c++ will complain say it cant find the signature, which in someway documents. (