RNCManipal / ROS_for_Beginners

For getting started with ROS
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Task 2: Installing and setting up workspace #4

Open TheProjectsGuy opened 4 years ago

TheProjectsGuy commented 4 years ago

In this task, you'll be installing ROS (Noetic or Melodic, depending upon the OS that you've installed). You will also be creating a workspace and learning some git concepts so that you can contribute to this repository.


It is required that you complete #2 (Task 1: Getting Started) before proceeding with this task.


The following tasks have to be accomplished by every individual

ROS Installation

  1. Install ROS Melodic if you are running Ubuntu 18.04. Install ROS Noetic if you are running Ubuntu 20.04 (Check Install ROS in references)
    • Do not create any workspace yet, just installation
  2. Verify the installation by running rosversion -d on a terminal
  3. The source command can be added to your ~/.bashrc file (Check Sourcing the installation in references)


If you have already installed ROS and created a workspace, please comment out the lines sourcing the existing workspace. You'll be doing all your work in a separate workspace (one that is in your repository).

  1. Go to the repository folder and checkout your branch (the branch created by you in #2). This will be the branch that you will be working on.
  2. Create an empty folder with the name catkin_ws inside your repository
    • This folder shall be the workspace for all work pertaining to this repository
  3. In the workspace folder, create a file called .gitignore
    • ROS will create build files and developer files, among many more things. These should not be pushed to the remote repository (on GitHub). So we tell git to ignore them from the version control system.
    • The remote repository must only contain the source code.
  4. Create an src folder inside your workspace folder and run catkin_init_workspace in it (inside the src folder)
  5. Go to the workspace folder and run catkin_make in it
    • This will create build and devel directories. Add them to the .gitignore file (so that git doesn't track them)
    • Source this workspace, you may add this line to your ~/.bashrc file
      • Only one workspace must be source at a time. The environment variable $ROS_PACKAGE_PATH will show the workspaces sourced (run echo $ROS_PACKAGE_PATH). Do not work on multiple workspaces at once.

Repo folder: Folder of this repository on your local system. Workspace folder: The catkin_ws workspace folder inside your repo folder.


You'll be making your first commit here.

  1. Create extensive documentation summarizing the things done in this task. All the documentation done should be in a README.md file in your workspace folder. If you want to add media (like images, etc.) to it, add everything inside a folder named media inside your workspace folder (for the README.md file in your workspace). The file must contain the following:
    • Installation steps
    • Steps taken to create your workspace
    • Common problems faced, and what you did to encounter them
  2. After that, you shall commit your work on your branch (the branch you created in #2) and push it to GitHub.

Note: Do not commit anything to master and dev branch. All the work that you do, is pushed to your personal branch.

Deadline for work described till this point: Saturday, 21 Aug 2020


TheProjectsGuy commented 4 years ago

When creating the commits, mention the issue number in the commit, so that it shows in this thread. For example a commit with message work done for #4 will show up here (after being pushed to GitHub).

TheProjectsGuy commented 4 years ago

Deadline extended to Saturday