ROBOTIS Dynamixel SDK (Protocol1.0/2.0)
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[3.4.1][MatLab][USB2Dynamixel2][AX-12A] Issue : The servos are too fast #210

Closed KingKarlo30 closed 6 years ago

KingKarlo30 commented 6 years ago

Good Afternoon,

my name is Carlos Castellanos and im developing a control code for the phantom X using matlab, the code is already done and is working correctly, however the servos are moving too fast and the arm function is, in some point, dangerous.

We are trying to make the control table as following but we don´t know what other parameter we must introduce to minimize the speed. `ADDR_MX_TORQUE_ENABLE = 24; % Control table address is different in Dynamixel model ADDR_MX_GOAL_POSITION = 30; ADDR_DXL_GOAL_SPEED = 32; ADDR_MX_PRESENT_POSITION = 36; ADDR_DXL_PRESENT_SPEED = 38;

% Protocol version PROTOCOL_VERSION = 1.0; % See which protocol version is used in the Dynamixel

% Default setting DXL_ID1 = 1; % Dynamixel ID: 1 DXL_ID2 = 2; DXL_ID3 = 3; DXL_ID4 = 4; DXL_ID5 = 5; DXL_ID6 = 6; DXL_ID7 = 7; DXL_ID8 = 8; BAUDRATE = 1000000; DEVICENAME = 'COM4'; % Check which port is being used on your controller % ex) Windows: 'COM1' Linux: '/dev/ttyUSB0' Mac: '/dev/tty.usbserial-*'

TORQUE_ENABLE = 1; % Value for enabling the torque TORQUE_DISABLE = 0; % Value for disabling the torque DXL_MINIMUM_POSITION_VALUE = 1023; % Dynamixel will rotate between this value DXL_MAXIMUM_POSITION_VALUE = 10; % and this value (note that the Dynamixel would not move when the position value is out of movable range. Check e-manual about the range of the Dynamixel you use.) DXL_MOVING_STATUS_THRESHOLD = 10; % Dynamixel moving status threshold

ESC_CHARACTER = 'e'; % Key for escaping loop

COMM_SUCCESS = 0; % Communication Success result value COMM_TX_FAIL = -1001; % Communication Tx Failed

% Initialize PortHandler Structs % Set the port path % Get methods and members of PortHandlerLinux or PortHandlerWindows port_num = portHandler(DEVICENAME);

% Initialize PacketHandler Structs packetHandler();

index = 1; dxl_comm_result = COMM_TX_FAIL; % Communication result % dxl_goal_position = [DXL_MINIMUM_POSITION_VALUE DXL_MAXIMUM_POSITION_VALUE]; % Goal position dxl_goal_position_1 = 300; dxl_goal_position_2 = 512; % dxl_goal_position_3 = 512; dxl_goal_position_4 = 512; dxl_goal_position_5 = 512; dxl_goal_position_6 = 512; dxl_goal_position_7 = 512; dxl_goal_position_8 = 800; dxl_error = 0; % Dynamixel error dxl_present_position = 0; % Present position

% Open port if (openPort(port_num)) fprintf('Succeeded to open the port!\n'); else unloadlibrary(lib_name); fprintf('Failed to open the port!\n'); input('Press any key to terminate...\n'); return; end

% Set port baudrate if (setBaudRate(port_num, BAUDRATE)) fprintf('Succeeded to change the baudrate!\n'); else unloadlibrary(lib_name); fprintf('Failed to change the baudrate!\n'); input('Press any key to terminate...\n'); return; end`


Please your help with this issue.


robotpilot commented 6 years ago

Hi KingKarlo30, You can set the speed of the motor by changing the 'Moving Speed' value before moving to a specific position. The address of this control table is 32. The control table differs depending on the motor type, refer to the control table of AX12 below.

robotpilot commented 6 years ago

This issue will be closed since there were no actions for a while. You can reopen this issue to show this issue to the users whenever. Thanks.

lea30cr commented 2 years ago

Hello everyone, I'm sorry i'm really bad at programming but I'm supposed to control an AX-12A in speed (reach a certain position by mooving at a certain speed), and this is what I write on arduino but it doesnt work:

ax12SetRegister(id,32,100); SetPosition(id,1000);

the libraries :



The motor goes to the right position but won't change the speed I'm sorry if the question is stupid but i'm in mechanical engineering and i don't really know programmation

ROBOTIS-Will commented 2 years ago

Hi @lea30cr

No worries at all. A couple tips for using GitHub issue:

  1. Don't be afraid of creating a new issue thread unless you're experiencing the exact same issue of the thread.
  2. Describing your environment is extremely helpful, such as; controller, power source, DYNAMIXEL model, software libraries.

The inquired AX12 library is not an official library distributed by ROBOTIS. If you are new to the Arduino programming, I'd recommend using our official Arduino library below.

You may also find some useful video instructions from ROBOTIS OpenSource channel.

If you have any other questions, please use the issue thread of the DYNAMIXEL Shield repository below. Thank you.