Please fill this template for more accurate and prompt support.
Which DYNAMIXEL SDK version do you use?
Which programming language/tool do you use?
Which operating system do you use?
Raspberry Pi OS
Which USB serial converter do you use?
Which DYNAMIXEL do you use?
Have you searched the issue from the closed issue threads?
Please describe the issue in detail
When I followed the steps in the Dynamixel SDK e-manual to build the library file for C++ linux_sbc, running make gives the following error:
Makefile:57: *** missing separator (did you mean TAB instead of 8 spaces?). Stop.
After replacing the spaces that I assumed were meant to be TAB indentations, running make gives the following error:
Makefile:57: *** recipe commences before first target. Stop.
I have not been able to proceed further.
How can we reproduce the issue?
I am using a Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W and simply following the steps for building the library.
Please fill this template for more accurate and prompt support.
Which DYNAMIXEL SDK version do you use?
Which programming language/tool do you use?
Which operating system do you use?
Which USB serial converter do you use?
Which DYNAMIXEL do you use?
Have you searched the issue from the closed issue threads?
When I followed the steps in the Dynamixel SDK e-manual to build the library file for C++ linux_sbc, running make gives the following error: Makefile:57: *** missing separator (did you mean TAB instead of 8 spaces?). Stop.
After replacing the spaces that I assumed were meant to be TAB indentations, running make gives the following error: Makefile:57: *** recipe commences before first target. Stop.
I have not been able to proceed further.
I am using a Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W and simply following the steps for building the library.