ROBOTIS-GIT / dynamixel-workbench

ROS packages for Dynamixel controllers, msgs, single_manager, toolbox, tutorials
Apache License 2.0
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The Maximum Dynamixel Control Frequency Is Limited by Delays #337

Open chcaya opened 3 years ago

chcaya commented 3 years ago


I'm using the DynamixelWorkbench class to control 7 Dynamixel servos with an OpenCR and I can't control their positions at a frequency higher than 14 Hz, because of the delay function calls in writeRegister and writeOnlyRegister methods of the DynamixelDriver class.

I would like to know the reasons for these delay function calls, and if it would be possible to remove them?

Thank you

ROBOTIS-Will commented 3 years ago

Hi @chcaya

The delay in those functions seem necessary, but it is hard to track the reason behind them as it is written 3 years ago. The Workbench is initially developed to configure DYNAMIXEL under Linux environment, therefore, it may not fully optimized for implementing an application. If you are using OpenCR to control DYNAMIXEL, I'd recommend using using DYNAMIXEL2ARduino library or DYNAMIXEL SDK.