... can you develop a ros_control package to include the TB3 base as link joint1 of the manipulator, so that the arm can at least rotate, using the angular velocity and imu yaw feedback into a joint_position_controller, so that Move-it can include this base rotation into its kinematic planning and execution ?
... or at least give me some guidance on how to do this ?
As described here... https://answers.ros.org/question/284792/control-the-base-with-the-trajectory-of-moveit/
... can you develop a ros_control package to include the TB3 base as link joint1 of the manipulator, so that the arm can at least rotate, using the angular velocity and imu yaw feedback into a joint_position_controller, so that Move-it can include this base rotation into its kinematic planning and execution ?
... or at least give me some guidance on how to do this ?