Closed alirezaahmadi closed 6 years ago
Hi :)
Would you check frequency of tf topics using below commands. $ rostopic hz /tf
OpenCR publishes tf topics in 30Hz. So, If the frequency is significantly different, check your OpenCR and network environments.
Thanks. Darby
Thanks for answering ....
I checked it, it responses this way : alireza@ubuntu:~$ rostopic hz /tf subscribed to [/tf] average rate: 28.052 min: 0.000s max: 0.146s std dev: 0.05273s window: 19 average rate: 140.834 min: 0.000s max: 0.146s std dev: 0.01860s window: 243 average rate: 177.587 min: 0.000s max: 0.146s std dev: 0.01330s window: 484 average rate: 194.925 min: 0.000s max: 0.146s std dev: 0.01093s window: 726 average rate: 203.740 min: 0.000s max: 0.146s std dev: 0.00954s window: 962 average rate: 211.368 min: 0.000s max: 0.146s std dev: 0.00856s window: 1211 average rate: 216.040 min: 0.000s max: 0.163s std dev: 0.00967s window: 1454 average rate: 218.366 min: 0.000s max: 0.163s std dev: 0.01153s window: 1681 average rate: 220.356 min: 0.000s max: 0.163s std dev: 0.01288s window: 1923
also, I 've checked the odom's frequency which is close t 30Hz. is there any problem with my tf topic, which it's frequency is not equal to 30Hz ???
I think average rate is fine. How about reset your OpenCR and restart RP3?
I did some times but nothing changed !!!
Did you set time sync between your laptop PC and RP3? This commands help you.
$ sudo apt-get install -y chrony ntpdate $ sudo ntpdate
:) same result !!! is there any old package, which I could test?? the local and global costmaps do not publish!!! (could be something wrong with the move_base package?!! )
I found this by running "roswtf" !!! how I have to run them, could you guide me ??
Found 1 error(s).
ERROR The following nodes should be connected but aren't:
I tested it without the RP3, and worked correctly!! I think my problem is with my Network connection ... is there any important thing about Network??
Thanks ..
How to test it without the RP3? Did you use other SBC? I think your network environments between PC and RP3 is fine. However, I doubt if there is a problem with the time sink. Below link will helps you Time Sink
Thanks Darby
I mean, I tested the packages and nodes all running on one laptop... which they worked correcly.. I just wanted to make sure, there is no problem with them.. :)
Okay, i see. Thanks.
Did you connect Wifi when you using RP3?
Yes I connect with Wifi. I tried chrony, it did nothing, also I tested the time differences between two machines (PR3 and my laptop) it answered like this: alireza@ubuntu:~$ ntpdate -q server, stratum 0, offset 0.000000, delay 0.00000 31 Aug 21:04:18 ntpdate[31891]: no server suitable for synchronization found
I have to set the server to solve this warning , yes?
Yes I connect with Wifi. I tried chrony, it did nothing, also I tested the time differences between two machines (PR3 and my laptop) it answered like this: alireza@ubuntu:~$ ntpdate -q server, stratum 0, offset 0.000000, delay 0.00000 31 Aug 21:04:18 ntpdate[31891]: no server suitable for synchronization found
I have to set the server to solve this warning , yes?
I have set servers on my laptop but, in RP3 the chrony gives my this error "506 Cannot talk to daemon" whenever I call its sources by "chrony sources". do you have any idea for this problem??
Did you ever end up solving the error... [ WARN] [1509638125.580617453]: Costmap2DROS transform timeout. Current time: 1509638125.5806, global_pose stamp: 1455209088.3206, tolerance: 1.0000
I have the exact same problem as you...went through the right steps for bringup, teleoperation etc.. but then I come to set a 2D nav goal and it gives me that error. My 2D coast map has to be missing. I am unsure how to manipulate the frequency that you talked about above
please help!
actually, no... I just tried to make all system clocks same... and it worked, but it wasn't a stable solution.. chrony doesn't work on raspberry pi, I don't know why... and it's gave me the error "506 Cannot talk to daemon"..
So I just went in manually on my RP3 went System menu>Administration>Time and Date> unlocked it using my password and changed the time.
It got rid of that Cost2DROS transform timeout error and I get a new one: [ WARN] [1509644376.618270534]: Timed out waiting for transform from base_footprint to map to become available before running costmap, tf error: canTransform: target_frame map does not exist.. canTransform returned after 0.101057 timeout was 0.1.
This might not even be progress, i have no clue, but it's something different have you tried just manually changing it?
I have ran into the same problem with my turtlebot 3 , the time difference is huge and it always happens when the network doesn't have an internet connection but work fine when I do.
after running roslaunch turtlebot3_navigation turtlebot3_navigation.launch map_file:=$HOME/map1.yaml
any ideas?
Adding a real time clock to the Raspberry Pi worked for me.
I am going to try adding the real clock and then get back to you on this jrjennings
I have ordered a couple of the DS3231 chips, so it may take a couple days before I can test this
I have the same problem with turtlebot33-waffle any solutions???
This issue will be closed since there were no actions for a while. You can reopen this issue to show this issue to the users whenever. Thanks. :)
I have the same problem with turtlebot3-waffle. any solutions?
Hi :)
Check this FAQ in WIKI
thx for your reply! I have tried ntpdate to synchronize time of turtlebot and remote PC. but it did nothing. To make sure the time of turtlebot and remote PC is synchronized, I even set up a ntp server on the remote PC and use ntpd on turtlebot to update time. but it also did nothing.
Maybe is the problem with my network connection? Because I don't have any good enough Wi-Fi to connect, I set up an Access Point mode Wi-Fi hotspot on my remote PC and make turtlebot connect the hotspot. So every time I run the navigation's example, the network doesn't have the Internet connection.
any ideas?
appreciate your help!
Have you tried using chrony to synchronize? I've been running my burger without an internet connection using chrony. I had to do some fiddling with the config files to get it working. Isolated networks at the bottom of this page was helpful
thx for your advice! I will try it as soon as possible to see whether it works for my waffle. appreciate your help!
@jrjennings it does works!! thank you very much.
I had the same issue using the SR04-Sonar-Sensor . Therefore I uncommented the sonar-functions in the turtlebot-core-source in line 145 etc.
$ rostopic hz /tf
you can check the frequency.
If the Distance is to long or there is no Sensor connected the /tf-frequency decreases to below 1Hz.
I had the same problem and solved it by setting the time manually for the PC and the robot, I used this command "sudo date -s 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS' " to set the raspberry time.
I'm also getting this error
Found 1 warning(s). Warnings are things that may be just fine, but are sometimes at fault
WARNING The following node subscriptions are unconnected:
Found 1 error(s).
ERROR The following nodes should be connected but aren't:
I tried changing the global frame from map to odom, but the error still remains. How to fix this issue
Hi I have implemented all instructions right as you've said in tutorials, and every thing was ok until I ran the navigation's example, which it loads the map but does not view the costmap2D and gives an warning like this: [ WARN] [1503985578.700748532]: Costmap2DROS transform timeout. Current time: 1503985578.7007, global_pose stamp: 1503985533.6728, tolerance: 0.2000 I've changed the tolerance timeout but it did nothing on this issue. as I have this problem the robot does not move whenever I set a 2D Goal. (thats logical because the costmap2D does not exist !!!) I would really appreciate if anyone could help me to solve this problem. Thanks (I have a burger, Turtlebot 3)